+sub _apply_to_dq {
+ my ($self, $op, $v) = @_;
+ my @args = map $self->_expr_to_dq($_), (ref($v) eq 'ARRAY' ? @$v : $v);
+ # Ok. Welcome to stupid compat code land. An SQLA expr that would in the
+ # absence of this piece of crazy render to:
+ #
+ # A( B( C( x ) ) )
+ #
+ # such as
+ #
+ # { -a => { -b => { -c => $x } } }
+ #
+ # actually needs to render to:
+ #
+ # A( B( C x ) )
+ #
+ # because SQL sucks, and databases are hateful, and SQLA is Just That DWIM.
+ #
+ # However, we don't want to catch 'A(x)' and turn it into 'A x'
+ #
+ # So the way we deal with this is to go through all our arguments, and
+ # then if the argument is -also- an apply, i.e. at least 'B', we check
+ # its arguments - and if there's only one of them, and that isn't an apply,
+ # then we convert to the bareword form. The end result should be:
+ #
+ # A( x ) -> A( x )
+ # A( B( x ) ) -> A( B x )
+ # A( B( C( x ) ) ) -> A( B( C x ) )
+ # A( B( x + y ) ) -> A( B( x + y ) )
+ # A( B( x, y ) ) -> A( B( x, y ) )
+ #
+ # If this turns out not to be quite right, please add additional tests
+ # to either 01generate.t or 02where.t *and* update this comment.
+ foreach my $arg (@args) {
+ if (
+ $arg->{type} eq DQ_OPERATOR and $arg->{operator}{'SQL.Naive'} eq 'apply'
+ and @{$arg->{args}} == 2 and $arg->{args}[1]{type} ne DQ_OPERATOR
+ ) {
+ $arg->{operator}{'SQL.Naive'} = (shift @{$arg->{args}})->{elements}->[0];
+ }
+ }
+ $self->_assert_pass_injection_guard($op);
+ return $self->_op_to_dq(
+ apply => $self->_ident_to_dq($op), @args
+ );
sub _where_hashpair_to_dq {
my ($self, $k, $v, $logic) = @_;
} elsif ($op =~ /^(?:AND|OR|NEST)_?\d+/) {
die "Use of [and|or|nest]_N modifiers is no longer supported";
} else {
- my @args = do {
- if (ref($v) eq 'HASH' and keys(%$v) == 1 and (keys %$v)[0] =~ /^-(.*)/s) {
- my $op = uc($1);
- my ($inner) = values %$v;
- $self->_op_to_dq(
- $op,
- (map $self->_expr_to_dq($_),
- (ref($inner) eq 'ARRAY' ? @$inner : $inner))
- );
- } else {
- (map $self->_expr_to_dq($_), (ref($v) eq 'ARRAY' ? @$v : $v))
- }
- };
- $self->_assert_pass_injection_guard($op);
- return $self->_op_to_dq(
- apply => $self->_ident_to_dq($op), @args
- );
+ return $self->_apply_to_dq($op, $v);
} else {
local our $Cur_Col_Meta = $k;