}, qr/Due to a method name conflict in roles 'Role1' and 'Role2', the method 'foo' must be implemented or excluded by 'Conflicts'/ );
+ package HasFooMeth;
+ use Moose::Role;
+ requires 'bar';
+ sub foo {}
+ package AlsoHasFooMeth;
+ use Moose::Role;
+ with 'HasFooMeth';
+ sub foo {}
+ package UsesAlso1;
+ use Moose;
+ sub bar {}
+ ::like(
+ ::exception{ with 'AlsoHasFooMeth' },
+ qr/\QDue to a method name conflict in roles 'AlsoHasFooMeth' and 'HasFooMeth', the method 'foo' must be implemented or excluded by 'UsesAlso1'/,
+ 'got an exception when trying to consume a role that has a conflict'
+ );
+ package UsesAlso2;
+ use Moose;
+ sub bar {}
+ ::is(
+ ::exception{ with 'AlsoHasFooMeth', { -excludes => ['foo'] } },
+ undef,
+ 'no exception when trying to consume a role that has a conflict if we exclude the conflicting method'
+ );
+ package UsesAlso3;
+ use Moose;
+ ::like(
+ ::exception{ with 'AlsoHasFooMeth',
+ { -excludes => [ 'foo', 'bar' ] } },
+ qr/\Q'AlsoHasFooMeth' requires the method 'bar' to be implemented by 'UsesAlso3'/,
+ 'cannot exclude a required method if it is not a conflicting method'
+ );
Role conflicts between attributes and methods