=head2 Compatibility with Moose
-The sugary API is highly compatible with Moose. Methods which have the
-same name as Moose's are expected to be compatible with Moose's.
+=head3 Sugary APIs
-=head2 Incompatibility with Moose
+The sugary APIs are highly compatible with Moose. Methods which have the
+same name as Moose's are expected to be compatible with Moose's.
=head3 Meta object protocols
compatible with Moose's. Feel free to use these methods even if they
are not documented.
-However, meta object protocols in Mouse have no attributes by default,
+However, there are differences between Moose's MOP and Mouse's,
+For example, meta object protocols in Mouse have no attributes by default,
so C<< $metaclass->meta->make_immutable() >> will not work as you expect.
B<Don not make metaclasses immutable>.