sub _populate_hash {
+ return unless defined $_[0];
return map {$_, 1} split /\s+/, $_[0];
-unless (@ARGV) {
- # base first, as TEST bails out if that can't run
- # then comp, to validate that require works
- # then run, to validate that -M works
- # then we know we can -MTestInit for everything else, making life simpler
- foreach my $dir (qw(base comp run cmd io op uni mro)) {
- _find_tests($dir);
- }
- _find_tests("lib") unless $::core;
- # Config.pm may be broken for make minitest. And this is only a refinement
- # for skipping tests on non-default builds, so it is allowed to fail.
- # What we want to to is make a list of extensions which we did not build.
- my $configsh = '../config.sh';
+sub _tests_from_manifest {
+ my ($extensions, $known_extensions) = @_;
my %skip;
- if (-f $configsh) {
- my (%extensions, %known_extensions);
- open FH, $configsh or die "Can't open $configsh: $!";
- while (<FH>) {
- if (/^extensions=['"](.*)['"]$/) {
- # Deliberate string interpolation to avoid triggering possible
- # $1 resetting bugs.
- %extensions = _populate_hash ("$1");
- }
- elsif (/^known_extensions=['"](.*)['"]$/) {
- %known_extensions = _populate_hash ($1);
- }
- }
- if (%extensions) {
- if (%known_extensions) {
- foreach (keys %known_extensions) {
- $skip{$_}++ unless $extensions{$_};
- }
- } else {
- warn "No known_extensions line found in $configsh";
- }
- } else {
- warn "No extensions line found in $configsh";
- }
+ my %extensions = _populate_hash($extensions);
+ my %known_extensions = _populate_hash($known_extensions);
+ foreach (keys %known_extensions) {
+ $skip{$_}++ unless $extensions{$_};
+ my @results;
my $mani = '../MANIFEST';
if (open(MANI, $mani)) {
while (<MANI>) { # similar code in t/harness
if (m!^(ext/(\S+)/+(?:[^/\s]+\.t|test\.pl)|lib/\S+?(?:\.t|test\.pl))\s!) {
my $t = $1;
my $extension = $2;
- if (!$::core || $t =~ m!^lib/[a-z]!)
- {
+ if (!$::core || $t =~ m!^lib/[a-z]!) {
if (defined $extension) {
$extension =~ s!/t$!!;
# XXX Do I want to warn that I'm skipping these?
next if $skip{$flat_extension}; # Foo/Bar may live in Foo-Bar
my $path = "../$t";
- push @ARGV, $path;
+ push @results, $path;
$::path_to_name{$path} = $t;
} else {
warn "$0: cannot open $mani: $!\n";
+ return @results;
+unless (@ARGV) {
+ # base first, as TEST bails out if that can't run
+ # then comp, to validate that require works
+ # then run, to validate that -M works
+ # then we know we can -MTestInit for everything else, making life simpler
+ foreach my $dir (qw(base comp run cmd io op uni mro)) {
+ _find_tests($dir);
+ }
+ _find_tests("lib") unless $::core;
+ # Config.pm may be broken for make minitest. And this is only a refinement
+ # for skipping tests on non-default builds, so it is allowed to fail.
+ # What we want to to is make a list of extensions which we did not build.
+ my $configsh = '../config.sh';
+ my ($extensions, $known_extensions);
+ if (-f $configsh) {
+ open FH, $configsh or die "Can't open $configsh: $!";
+ while (<FH>) {
+ if (/^extensions=['"](.*)['"]$/) {
+ $extensions = $1;
+ }
+ elsif (/^known_extensions=['"](.*)['"]$/) {
+ $known_extensions = $1;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!defined $known_extensions) {
+ warn "No known_extensions line found in $configsh";
+ }
+ if (!defined $extensions) {
+ warn "No extensions line found in $configsh";
+ }
+ }
+ # The "complex" constructions of list return from a subroutine, and push of
+ # a list, might fail if perl is really hosed, but they aren't needed for
+ # make minitest, and the building of extensions will likely also fail if
+ # something is that badly wrong.
+ push @ARGV, _tests_from_manifest($extensions, $known_extensions);
unless ($::core) {
+sub _tests_from_manifest {
+ my ($extensions, $known_extensions) = @_;
+ my %skip;
+ my %extensions = _populate_hash($extensions);
+ my %known_extensions = _populate_hash($known_extensions);
+ foreach (keys %known_extensions) {
+ $skip{$_}++ unless $extensions{$_};
+ }
+ my @results;
+ use File::Spec;
+ my $updir = File::Spec->updir;
+ my $mani = File::Spec->catfile(File::Spec->updir, "MANIFEST");
+ if (open(MANI, $mani)) {
+ while (<MANI>) { # similar code in t/TEST
+ if (m!^(ext/(\S+)/+(?:[^/\s]+\.t|test\.pl)|lib/\S+?(?:\.t|test\.pl))\s!) {
+ my ($test, $extension) = ($1, $2);
+ if (defined $extension) {
+ $extension =~ s!/t$!!;
+ # XXX Do I want to warn that I'm skipping these?
+ next if $skip{$extension};
+ my $flat_extension = $extension;
+ $flat_extension =~ s!-!/!g;
+ next if $skip{$flat_extension}; # Foo/Bar may live in Foo-Bar
+ }
+ push @results, File::Spec->catfile($updir, $test);
+ }
+ }
+ close MANI;
+ } else {
+ warn "$0: cannot open $mani: $!\n";
+ }
+ return @results;
if (@ARGV) {
# If you want these run in speed order, just use prove
if ($^O eq 'MSWin32') {
my @last;
use Config;
- my %skip;
- {
- my %extensions = _populate_hash $Config{'extensions'};
- my %known_extensions = _populate_hash $Config{'known_extensions'};
- foreach (keys %known_extensions) {
- $skip{$_}++ unless $extensions{$_};
- }
- }
- use File::Spec;
- my $updir = File::Spec->updir;
- my $mani = File::Spec->catfile(File::Spec->updir, "MANIFEST");
- if (open(MANI, $mani)) {
- my @manitests = ();
- while (<MANI>) { # similar code in t/TEST
- if (m!^(ext/(\S+)/+(?:[^/\s]+\.t|test\.pl)|lib/\S+?(?:\.t|test\.pl))\s!) {
- my ($test, $extension) = ($1, $2);
- if (defined $extension) {
- $extension =~ s!/t$!!;
- # XXX Do I want to warn that I'm skipping these?
- next if $skip{$extension};
- my $flat_extension = $extension;
- $flat_extension =~ s!-!/!g;
- next if $skip{$flat_extension}; # Foo/Bar may live in Foo-Bar
- }
- push @manitests, File::Spec->catfile($updir, $test);
- }
- }
- close MANI;
- # Sort the list of test files read from MANIFEST into a sensible
- # order instead of using the order in which they are listed there
- push @last, sort { lc $a cmp lc $b } @manitests;
- } else {
- warn "$0: cannot open $mani: $!\n";
- }
+ push @last, sort { lc $a cmp lc $b }
+ _tests_from_manifest($Config{extensions}, $Config{known_extensions});
push @last, <pod/*.t>;
push @last, <x2p/*.t>;