sub as_graphml {
- my( $self ) = @_;
+ my( $self, $options ) = @_;
$self->calculate_ranks unless $self->_graphcalc_done;
+ my $start = $options->{'from'}
+ ? $self->reading( $options->{'from'} ) : $self->start;
+ my $end = $options->{'to'}
+ ? $self->reading( $options->{'to'} ) : $self->end;
+ if( $start->has_rank && $end->has_rank && $end->rank < $start->rank ) {
+ throw( 'Start node must be before end node' );
+ }
+ # The readings need to be ranked for this to work.
+ $start = $self->start unless $start->has_rank;
+ $end = $self->end unless $end->has_rank;
+ my %use_readings;
# Some namespaces
my $graphml_ns = 'http://graphml.graphdrawing.org/xmlns';
my $xsi_ns = 'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance';
my %node_hash;
# Add our readings to the graph
foreach my $n ( sort { $a->id cmp $b->id } $self->readings ) {
+ next if $n->has_rank && $n ne $self->start && $n ne $self->end &&
+ ( $n->rank < $start->rank || $n->rank > $end->rank );
+ $use_readings{$n->id} = 1;
# Add to the main graph
my $node_el = $sgraph->addNewChild( $graphml_ns, 'node' );
my $node_xmlid = 'n' . $node_ctr++;
my $edge_ctr = 0;
foreach my $e ( sort { $a->[0] cmp $b->[0] } $self->sequence->edges() ) {
# We add an edge in the graphml for every witness in $e.
- foreach my $wit ( sort $self->path_witnesses( $e ) ) {
+ next unless( $use_readings{$e->[0]} || $use_readings{$e->[1]} );
+ my @edge_wits = sort $self->path_witnesses( $e );
+ $e->[0] = $self->start unless $use_readings{$e->[0]};
+ $e->[1] = $self->end unless $use_readings{$e->[1]};
+ foreach my $wit ( @edge_wits ) {
my( $id, $from, $to ) = ( 'e'.$edge_ctr++,
$node_hash{ $e->[0] },
$node_hash{ $e->[1] } );
my $edge_ctr = 0;
foreach my $e ( sort { $a->[0] cmp $b->[0] } $self->graph->edges ) {
# Add an edge and fill in its relationship info.
+ next unless( exists $node_hash->{$e->[0]} && exists $node_hash->{$e->[1]} );
my $edge_el = $rgraph->addNewChild( $graphml_ns, 'edge' );
$edge_el->setAttribute( 'source', $node_hash->{$e->[0]} );
$edge_el->setAttribute( 'target', $node_hash->{$e->[1]} );