This causes the test for insufficient arguments to work on Win32 too, where
(for some reason) DynaLoader.xs is built *with* prototypes on the XS code.
On *nix, where it is build by MakeMaker in ext/DynaLoader/, it is built without
prototypes on the XS code, so the check on the number of parameters for
dl_load_file() is purely run-time, which is what the test script used to assume.
# .. for dl_load_file()
skip "no dl_load_file with dl_none.xs", 2 unless $Config{usedl};
- eval { DynaLoader::dl_load_file() };
+ eval { &DynaLoader::dl_load_file() };
like( $@, q{/^Usage: DynaLoader::dl_load_file\(filename, flags=0\)/},
"calling DynaLoader::dl_load_file() with no argument" );