$path = Win32::GetShortPathName($path) if $^O eq 'MSWin32';
if (! $deactivating) {
- if (@active_lls && $active_lls[-1] eq $path) {
+ if (@active_lls && $active_lls[0] eq $path) {
exit 0 if $0 eq '-';
return; # Asked to add what's already at the top of the stack
} elsif (grep { $_ eq $path} @active_lls) {
{ interpolate => $interpolate, exists => 0, empty => '' },
PERL_MB_OPT => "--install_base " . _mb_escape_path($path),
PERL_MM_OPT => "INSTALL_BASE=" . _mm_escape_path($path),
# If removing ourselves from the "top of the stack", set install paths to
# correspond with the new top of stack.
- if ($active_lls[-1] eq $path) {
- my $new_top = $active_lls[-2];
+ if ($active_lls[0] eq $path) {
+ my $new_top = $active_lls[1];
$env{PERL_MB_OPT} = defined($new_top) ? "--install_base "._mb_escape_path($new_top) : undef;
$env{PERL_MM_OPT} = defined($new_top) ? "INSTALL_BASE="._mm_escape_path($new_top) : undef;
# we have junk in here now
-$ENV{PERL_LOCAL_LIB_ROOT} .= $Config{path_sep} . $dir3;
+$ENV{PERL_LOCAL_LIB_ROOT} = $dir3 . $Config{path_sep} . $ENV{PERL_LOCAL_LIB_ROOT};
- join($Config{path_sep}, (grep { defined $_ and $_ ne '' } $dir2, $dir1)),
+ join($Config{path_sep}, (grep { defined $_ and $_ ne '' } $dir1, $dir2)),
'dir1 should have been removed and added back in at the top'
my @active = local::lib->active_paths;
is @active, $prev_active + 2, 'still two active dirs after re-adding first';
-is $active[-1], $dir1, 'first dir was re-added on top';
+is $active[0], $dir1, 'first dir was re-added on top';
like $ENV{PERL_MM_OPT}, qr/\Q$dir1_escape/, 'first path is installation target again';
local::lib->import('--deactivate', $dir2);