# BSD paths
case "$prefix" in
- ''|'/usr')
- case "$prefix" in
- '') # Default install; use non-system directories
- prefix='/usr/local';
- siteprefix='/usr/local';
- ;;
- '/usr') # We are building/replacing the built-in perl
- prefix=/;
- siteprefix='/usr/local';
- # The DSTROOT is used by the Apple build system.
- installprefix="${DSTROOT}/";
- bin='/usr/bin';
- sitebin='/usr/bin';
- installusrbinperl='define'; # You knew what you were doing.
- privlib="/System/Library/Perl/${version}";
- sitelib="/Library/Perl/${version}";
- ;;
- esac
+'') # Default install; use non-system directories
+ prefix='/usr/local';
+ siteprefix='/usr/local';
+ ;;
+'/usr') # We are building/replacing the built-in perl
+ prefix='/';
+ # The DSTROOT is used by the Apple build system.
+ installprefix="${DSTROOT}/";
+ bin='/usr/bin';
+ sitebin='/usr/bin';
+ installusrbinperl='define'; # You knew what you were doing.
+ privlib="/System/Library/Perl/${version}";
+ sitelib="/Library/Perl/${version}";
+ vendorprefix='/';
+ usevendorprefix='define';
+ vendorbin='/usr/bin';
+ vendorscript='/usr/bin';
# 4BSD uses ${prefix}/share/man, not ${prefix}/man.