my $res = run_loader(dump_directory => $DUMP_DIR);
- my $warning = $res->{warnings}[0];
+ my $warning = $res->{warnings}[1];
like $warning, qr/static schema/i,
'static schema in backcompat mode detected';
like $warning, qr/DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader::Manual::UpgradingFromV4/,
'refers to upgrading doc';
- is scalar @{ $res->{warnings} }, 3,
+ is scalar @{ $res->{warnings} }, 4,
'correct number of warnings for static schema in backcompat mode';
# now upgrade the schema
- $res = run_loader(dump_directory => $DUMP_DIR, naming => 'current');
+ $res = run_loader(
+ dump_directory => $DUMP_DIR,
+ naming => 'current',
+ use_namespaces => 1
+ );
$schema = $res->{schema};
like $res->{warnings}[0], qr/Dumping manual schema/i,
+ (my $result_dir = "$DUMP_DIR/$SCHEMA_CLASS/Result") =~ s{::}{/}g;
+ my $result_count =()= glob "$result_dir/*";
+ is $result_count, 4,
+ 'un-singularized results were replaced during upgrade';
+ # check that custom content was preserved
+ lives_and { is $schema->resultset('Quux')->find(1)->a_method, 'mtfnpy' }
+ 'custom content was carried over from un-singularized Result';
+ lives_and { isa_ok $schema->resultset('Quux')->find(1)->bazrel3,
+ $res->{classes}{bazs} }
+ 'unsingularized class names in custom content are translated';
+ my $file = $schema->_loader->_get_dump_filename($res->{classes}{quuxs});
+ my $code = do { local ($/, @ARGV) = (undef, $file); <> };
+ like $code, qr/sub a_method { 'mtfnpy' }/,
+'custom content from unsingularized Result loaded into static dump correctly';
+# test running against v4 schema without upgrade, then upgrade with
+# use_namespaces not explicitly set
+ write_v4_schema_pm();
+ my $res = run_loader(dump_directory => $DUMP_DIR);
+ my $warning = $res->{warnings}[1];
+ like $warning, qr/static schema/i,
+ 'static schema in backcompat mode detected';
+ like $warning, qr/0.04006/,
+ 'correct version detected';
+ like $warning, qr/DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader::Manual::UpgradingFromV4/,
+ 'refers to upgrading doc';
+ is scalar @{ $res->{warnings} }, 4,
+ 'correct number of warnings for static schema in backcompat mode';
+ run_v4_tests($res);
+ # add some custom content to a Result that will be replaced
+ my $schema = $res->{schema};
+ my $quuxs_pm = $schema->_loader
+ ->_get_dump_filename($res->{classes}{quuxs});
+ {
+ local ($^I, @ARGV) = ('', $quuxs_pm);
+ while (<>) {
+ print;
+ print <<EOF;
+sub a_method { 'mtfnpy' }
+__PACKAGE__->has_one('bazrel3', 'DBIXCSL_Test::Schema::Bazs',
+ { 'foreign.baz_num' => 'self.baz_id' });
+ }
+ else {
+ print;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # now upgrade the schema
+ $res = run_loader(
+ dump_directory => $DUMP_DIR,
+ naming => 'current'
+ );
+ $schema = $res->{schema};
+ like $res->{warnings}[0], qr/load_classes/i,
+'correct warnings on upgrading static schema (with "naming" set and ' .
+'use_namespaces not set)';
+ like $res->{warnings}[1], qr/Dumping manual schema/i,
+'correct warnings on upgrading static schema (with "naming" set and ' .
+'use_namespaces not set)';
+ like $res->{warnings}[2], qr/dump completed/i,
+'correct warnings on upgrading static schema (with "naming" set and ' .
+'use_namespaces not set)';
+ is scalar @{ $res->{warnings} }, 3,
+'correct number of warnings on upgrading static schema (with "naming" set)'
+ or diag @{ $res->{warnings} };
+ run_v5_tests($res);
(my $result_dir = "$DUMP_DIR/$SCHEMA_CLASS") =~ s{::}{/}g;
my $result_count =()= glob "$result_dir/*";
sub run_loader {
my %loader_opts = @_;
- $loader_opts{use_namespaces} = 0
- unless exists $loader_opts{use_namespaces};
eval {
foreach my $source_name ($SCHEMA_CLASS->clone->sources) {