#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
-use Test::More tests => 16;
+use Test::More tests => 46;
use Test::Exception;
package Bar;
use Mouse;
use Mouse::Util::TypeConstraints;
subtype 'Bar::List'
=> as 'ArrayRef[HashRef]'
} qr/Attribute \(list\) does not pass the type constraint because: Validation failed for 'Bar::List' failed with value/, "Bad coercion parameter throws an error";
+use Mouse::Util::TypeConstraints;
+my $t = Mouse::Util::TypeConstraints::find_or_parse_type_constraint('Maybe[Int]');
+ok $t->is_a_type_of($t), "$t is a type of $t";
+ok $t->is_a_type_of('Maybe'), "$t is a type of Maybe";
+# XXX: how about 'MaybeInt[ Int ]'?
+ok $t->is_a_type_of('Maybe[Int]'), "$t is a type of Maybe[Int]";
+ok $t->check(10);
+ok $t->check(undef);
+my $u = subtype 'MaybeInt', as 'Maybe[Int]';
+ok $u->is_a_type_of($t), "$t is a type of $t";
+ok $u->is_a_type_of('Maybe'), "$t is a type of Maybe";
+# XXX: how about 'MaybeInt[ Int ]'?
+ok $u->is_a_type_of('Maybe[Int]'), "$t is a type of Maybe[Int]";
+ok $u->check(10);
+ok $u->check(undef);
+# XXX: undefined hehaviour
+# ok $t->is_a_type_of($u);
+# ok $u->is_a_type_of($t);
+my $w = subtype as 'Maybe[ ArrayRef | HashRef ]';
+ok $w->check(undef);
+ok $w->check([]);
+ok $w->check({});
+ok $w->is_a_type_of('Maybe');
+ok $w->is_a_type_of('Maybe[ArrayRef|HashRef]');
+my $x = Mouse::Util::TypeConstraints::find_or_parse_type_constraint('ArrayRef[ ArrayRef[ Int | Undef ] ]');
+ok $x->is_a_type_of('ArrayRef');
+ok $x->is_a_type_of('ArrayRef[ArrayRef[Int|Undef]]');
+ok $x->check([]);
+ok $x->check([[]]);
+ok $x->check([[10]]);
+ok $x->check([[10, undef]]);
+ok!$x->check([[10, 3.14]]);