my @oof = @bar; # declare @oof lexical, and init it
my $x : Foo = $y; # similar, with an attribute applied
-B<WARNING>: The use of attribute lists on C<my> declarations is
-experimental. This feature should not be relied upon. It may
-change or disappear in future releases of Perl. See L<attributes>.
+B<WARNING>: The use of attribute lists on C<my> declarations is still
+evolving. The current semantics and interface are subject to change.
+See L<attributes> and L<Attribute::Handlers>.
The C<my> operator declares the listed variables to be lexically
confined to the enclosing block, conditional (C<if/unless/elsif/else>),
use attributes __PACKAGE__, \&plugh, q[Ugly('\(")], 'Bad';
For further details on attribute lists and their manipulation,
-see L<attributes>.
+see L<attributes> and L<Attribute::Handlers>.
=head1 SEE ALSO