is( $stemma->graph, '1-2,1-A,2-B,2-C', "Got the correct graph" );
# Test for character matrix creation
-my $mstr = character_input( $c->alignment_table() );
+my $mstr = character_input( $tradition );
## check number of rows
my @mlines = split( "\n", $mstr );
my $msig = shift @mlines;
is( scalar @$trees, 1, "Got a single tree" );
# Test that the tree has all our witnesses
my $tree = $trees->[0];
- my @leaves = grep { $tree->degree( $_ ) == 1 } $tree->vertices;
- is( scalar @leaves, 3, "All witnesses in the tree" );
+ is( scalar $tree->witnesses, 3, "All witnesses in the tree" );
# Test our dot output