qr/The second argument must be a code reference/,
'throws an error with when passing a non code ref to natatime';
+ my $it = $obj->natatime_curried();
+ my @nat;
+ while ( my @v = $it->() ) {
+ push @nat, \@v;
+ }
+ is_deeply(
+ [ [ 1, 2 ], [ 3, 4 ], [ 5, 6 ] ],
+ \@nat,
+ 'natatime_curried returns expected iterator'
+ );
+ @nat = ();
+ $obj->natatime_curried( sub { push @nat, [@_] } );
+ is_deeply(
+ [ [ 1, 2 ], [ 3, 4 ], [ 5, 6 ] ],
+ \@nat,
+ 'natatime_curried with function returns expected value'
+ );
+ throws_ok { $obj->natatime_curried( {} ) }
+ qr/The second argument must be a code reference/,
+ 'throws an error with when passing a non code ref to natatime_curried';
if ( $class->meta->get_attribute('_values')->is_lazy ) {
my $obj = $class->new;
- is_deeply( [ $obj->elements ], [ 42, 84],
- 'elements contains default with lazy init' );
+ is_deeply(
+ [ $obj->elements ], [ 42, 84 ],
+ 'elements contains default with lazy init'
+ );