our $AUTHORITY = 'cpan:STEVAN';
use Moose::Meta::Method::Accessor;
+use Moose::Meta::Method::Delegation;
use Moose::Util ();
use Moose::Util::TypeConstraints ();
#cluck("Not delegating method '$handle' because it is a core method") and
next if $class_name->isa("Moose::Object") and $handle =~ /^BUILD|DEMOLISH$/ || Moose::Object->can($handle);
- if ('CODE' eq ref($method_to_call)) {
- $associated_class->add_method($handle => Class::MOP::subname($name, $method_to_call));
- }
- else {
- # NOTE:
- # we used to do a goto here, but the
- # goto didn't handle failure correctly
- # (it just returned nothing), so I took
- # that out. However, the more I thought
- # about it, the less I liked it doing
- # the goto, and I prefered the act of
- # delegation being actually represented
- # in the stack trace.
- # - SL
- $associated_class->add_method($handle => Class::MOP::subname($name, sub {
- my $instance = shift;
- my $proxy = $instance->$accessor();
- (defined $proxy)
- || $self->throw_error("Cannot delegate $handle to $method_to_call because " .
- "the value of " . $self->name . " is not defined", method_name => $method_to_call, object => $instance);
- $proxy->$method_to_call(@_);
- }));
- }
+ my $method = $self->_make_delegation_method($accessor, $handle, $method_to_call);
+ $self->associated_class->add_method($method->name, $method);
+sub _make_delegation_method {
+ my ( $self, $accessor, $handle_name, $method_to_call ) = @_;
+ my $method_body;
+ if ( 'CODE' eq ref($method_to_call) ) {
+ $method_body = $method_to_call;
+ }
+ else {
+ # NOTE:
+ # we used to do a goto here, but the
+ # goto didn't handle failure correctly
+ # (it just returned nothing), so I took
+ # that out. However, the more I thought
+ # about it, the less I liked it doing
+ # the goto, and I prefered the act of
+ # delegation being actually represented
+ # in the stack trace.
+ # - SL
+ $method_body = sub {
+ my $instance = shift;
+ my $proxy = $instance->$accessor();
+ ( defined $proxy )
+ || $self->throw_error(
+ "Cannot delegate $handle_name to $method_to_call because "
+ . "the value of "
+ . $self->name
+ . " is not defined", method_name => $method_to_call,
+ object => $instance );
+ $proxy->$method_to_call(@_);
+ };
+ }
+ return Moose::Meta::Method::Delegation->new(
+ name => $handle_name,
+ package_name => $self->associated_class->name,
+ attribute => $self,
+ body => $method_body,
+ );
package Moose::Meta::Attribute::Custom::Moose;
sub register_implementation { 'Moose::Meta::Attribute' }
--- /dev/null
+package Moose::Meta::Method::Delegation;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Carp 'confess';
+use Scalar::Util 'blessed', 'weaken';
+our $VERSION = '0.57';
+our $AUTHORITY = 'cpan:STEVAN';
+use base 'Moose::Meta::Method';
+sub new {
+ my $class = shift;
+ my %options = @_;
+ (exists $options{attribute})
+ || confess "You must supply an attribute to construct with";
+ (blessed($options{attribute}) && $options{attribute}->isa('Class::MOP::Attribute'))
+ || confess "You must supply an attribute which is a 'Class::MOP::Attribute' instance";
+ ($options{package_name} && $options{name})
+ || confess "You must supply the package_name and name parameters $Class::MOP::Method::UPGRADE_ERROR_TEXT";
+ my $self = $class->_new(\%options);
+ weaken($self->{'attribute'});
+ return $self;