$optimized = $_->{optimized} if exists $_->{optimized};
- my $pkg_defined_in = scalar(caller(1));
+ my $pkg_defined_in = scalar(caller(0));
($TYPES{$name}->[0] eq $pkg_defined_in)
- || confess "The type constraint '$name' has already been created "
- if defined $name && exists $TYPES{$name};
+ || confess ("The type constraint '$name' has already been created in "
+ . $TYPES{$name}->[0] . " and cannot be created again in "
+ . $pkg_defined_in)
+ if defined $name && exists $TYPES{$name};
$parent = find_type_constraint($parent) if defined $parent;
my $constraint = Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint->new(
name => $name || '__ANON__',
eval "use Module::Refresh;";
plan skip_all => "Module::Refresh is required for this test" if $@;
- plan no_plan => 1;
+ plan tests => 18;
+First lets test some of our simple example modules ...
+my @modules = qw[Foo Bar MyMooseA MyMooseB MyMooseObject];
+do {
+ use_ok($_);
+ is($_->meta->name, $_, '... initialized the meta correctly');
+ lives_ok {
+ Module::Refresh->new->refresh_module($_ . '.pm')
+ } '... successfully refreshed ' . $_;
+} foreach @modules;
+Now, lets try something a little trickier ...
+my $test_module_file = 'TestBaz.pm';
+my $test_module_source_1 = q|
+package TestBaz;
+use Moose;
+has 'foo' => (is => 'ro', isa => 'Int');
+my $test_module_source_2 = q|
+package TestBaz;
+use Moose;
+extends 'Foo';
+has 'foo' => (is => 'rw', isa => 'Int');
+ open FILE, ">", $test_module_file
+ || die "Could not open $test_module_file because $!";
+ print FILE $test_module_source_1;
+ close FILE;
+is(TestBaz->meta->name, 'TestBaz', '... initialized the meta correctly');
+ open FILE, ">", $test_module_file
+ || die "Could not open $test_module_file because $!";
+ print FILE $test_module_source_2;
+ close FILE;
lives_ok {
- Module::Refresh->new->refresh_module('Bar.pm')
-} '... successfully refreshed Bar';
+ Module::Refresh->new->refresh_module($test_module_file)
+} '... successfully refreshed ' . $test_module_file;
+unlink $test_module_file;