# libperl.a is _the_ library both in dll and static cases
# $(LIBPERL)$(LIB_EXT) expands to this name dependless of build model
+# NOTE: The "-Wl,-Bstatic $(LLIBPERL) -Wl,-Bdynamic" is required to give
+# the import library linking priority over the dynamic library, since both
+# the .dll and .a are in the same directory. When the new standard for
+# naming import/dynamic/static libraries emerges this should be updated.
$spitshell >>Makefile <<'!NO!SUBS!'
perl: $& perlmain$(OBJ_EXT) $(LIBPERL)$(LIB_EXT) $(DYNALOADER) $(static_ext) ext.libs
- $(SHRPENV) $(LDLIBPTH) $(CC) $(LARGE) $(CLDFLAGS) $(CCDLFLAGS) -o perl perlmain$(OBJ_EXT) $(DYNALOADER) $(static_ext) $(LLIBPERL) `cat ext.libs` $(libs)
+ $(SHRPENV) $(LDLIBPTH) $(CC) $(LARGE) $(CLDFLAGS) $(CCDLFLAGS) -o perl perlmain$(OBJ_EXT) $(DYNALOADER) $(static_ext) -Wl,-Bstatic $(LLIBPERL) -Wl,-Bdynamic `cat ext.libs` $(libs)
pureperl: $& perlmain$(OBJ_EXT) $(LIBPERL)$(LIB_EXT) $(DYNALOADER) $(static_ext) ext.libs
$(SHRPENV) $(LDLIBPTH) purify $(CC) $(LARGE) $(CLDFLAGS) $(CCDLFLAGS) -o pureperl perlmain$(OBJ_EXT) $(DYNALOADER) $(static_ext) $(LLIBPERL) `cat ext.libs` $(libs)