--- /dev/null
+package B::Hooks::EndOfScope::WithFallback;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+our $VERSION = '0.01';
+# note - the tie() fallback will probably work on 5.6 as well,
+# if you need to go that low - patches passing tests will be accepted
+use 5.008001;
+my ($v_m_req, $bheos_ver);
+ # Adjust the Makefile.PL if changing this minimum version
+ $v_m_req = '0.34';
+ # FIXME - remove if merged with B::H::EOS
+ $bheos_ver = '0.09';
+ *__HAS_VM = eval {
+ require Variable::Magic;
+ Variable::Magic->VERSION($v_m_req);
+ } ? sub () { 1 } : sub () { 0 };
+# FIXME - remove if merged with B::H::EOS
+ *__HAS_BHEOS = __HAS_VM && eval {
+ require B::Hooks::EndOfScope;
+ B::Hooks::EndOfScope->VERSION ($bheos_ver)
+ } ? sub () { 1 } : sub () { 0 };
+use Sub::Exporter -setup => {
+ exports => ['on_scope_end'],
+ groups => { default => ['on_scope_end'] },
+=head1 NAME
+B::Hooks::EndOfScope::WithFallback - B::Hooks::EndOfScope without an XS dependency
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ on_scope_end { ... };
+Just like its twin L<B::Hooks::EndOfScope> this module allows you to execute
+code when perl finished compiling the surrounding scope. The only difference
+is that this module will function even without the presence of the XS
+dependency L<Variable::Magic>. The behavior and API is identical to that of
+L<B::Hooks::EndOfScope> with the exception of one caveat as listed below.
+While the design of the non-XS implementation is sound and passes every test
+of the original L<B::Hooks::EndOfScope> distribution, the authors of
+L<B::Hooks::EndOfScope> are currently not interested in integrating it into
+their distribution on philosophical grounds.
+=head1 CAVEATS
+Handling exceptions in scope-end callbacks is tricky business. While
+L<Variable::Magic> has access to some very dark sorcery to make it possible to
+throw an exception from within a callback, the pure-perl impleentation does
+not have access to these hacks. Therefore, what would have been a compile-time
+exception is instead emulated with output on C<STDERR> and an immediate exit
+via L<POSIX/_exit>. This can potentially have an impact on your code, since
+no C<END> blocks, nor C<DESTROY> callbacks will execute.
+=head2 on_scope_end
+ on_scope_end { ... };
+ on_scope_end $code;
+Registers C<$code> to be executed after the surrounding scope has been
+This is exported by default. See L<Sub::Exporter> on how to customize it.
+# FIXME - remove if merged with B::H::EOS
+# already loaded - might as well
+if (__HAS_BHEOS) {
+ *on_scope_end = \&B::Hooks::EndOfScope::on_scope_end;
+# we have V::M - just replicate everything here, do not
+# even try to load B::H::EOS (may or may not be installed)
+# the amount of code is minimal anyway, and we save on
+# the syscalls to find/load B/H/EOS.pm
+elsif (__HAS_VM) {
+ my $wiz = Variable::Magic::wizard (
+ data => sub { [$_[1]] },
+ free => sub { $_->() for @{ $_[1] }; () }
+ );
+ # str-eval so it is subnamed correctly
+ eval <<'EOS' or die $@;
+ sub on_scope_end (&) {
+ my $cb = shift;
+ $^H |= 0x020000;
+ if (my $stack = Variable::Magic::getdata %^H, $wiz) {
+ push @{ $stack }, $cb;
+ }
+ else {
+ Variable::Magic::cast %^H, $wiz, $cb;
+ }
+ }
+ 1; # for the above `or die()`
+else {
+ # str eval for the above reason and so we do not burn cycles defining
+ # packages we will not use
+ eval <<'EOS' or die $@;
+ require Tie::Hash;
+ {
+ package B::Hooks::EndOfScope::WithFallback::_TieHintHash;
+ use warnings;
+ use strict;
+ our @ISA = 'Tie::ExtraHash';
+ }
+ # Instead of relying on specific destruction order like the V::M
+ # implementation does, use an explicit array with its own destructor
+ # ordering. This is a potential FIXME for the V::M-using code (it may
+ # very well start unwinding the *other* way), but leaving it as-is
+ # for now to match what B::H::EOS does.
+ {
+ package B::Hooks::EndOfScope::WithFallback::_ScopeGuardArray;
+ use warnings;
+ use strict;
+ sub new { bless [], ref $_[0] || $_[0] }
+ sub DESTROY {
+ local $@ = '';
+ # keep unwinding the stack until something decides to throw
+ while (@{$_[0]} and $@ eq '') {
+ eval { $_[0]->[0]{code}->(); shift @{$_[0]} };
+ }
+ if ( (my $err = $@) ne '') {
+ # argh argh argh - why did you have to throw in a scope-end?!
+ # we can not properly throw during a BEGIN from within pure-perl
+ # (V::M does some very weird XS magic to be able to). However - we
+ # are still compiling - so we can very well just exit() with a long
+ # explanation. Exitting with a normal exit() however won't work, as
+ # it causes perl to segfault (even 5.14), so doing the POSIX thing
+ # instead
+ my $exit_code = $ENV{B_HOOKS_EOS_PP_ON_DIE_EXITCODE};
+ $exit_code = 1 if (! defined $exit_code or ! length $exit_code);
+ print STDERR <<EOE; require POSIX; POSIX::_exit($exit_code);
+ !!! F A T A L E R R O R !!!
+ Exception thrown by scope-end callback
+B::Hooks::EndOfScope::WithFallback is currently operating in pure-perl
+fallback mode, because your system is lacking the necessary dependency
+Variable::Magic $v_m_req
+In this mode B::Hooks::EndOfScope::WithFallback is unable to accomodate
+callbacks throwing exception, due to the design of perl itself. Your
+entire application will terminate immediately using POSIX::_exit (this
+means nothing else beyond this point will execute, including any END
+blocks you may have defined. The callback originally defined around
+$_[0]->[0]{caller} terminated with the following error:
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ sub on_scope_end (&) {
+ $^H |= 0x020000;
+ my $stack;
+ if(my $t = tied( %^H ) ) {
+ if ( (my $c = ref $t) ne 'B::Hooks::EndOfScope::WithFallback::_TieHintHash') {
+ die <<EOE;
+ !!! F A T A L E R R O R !!!
+ foreign tie() of %^H detected
+B::Hooks::EndOfScope::WithFallback is currently operating in pure-perl
+fallback mode, because your system is lacking the necessary dependency
+Variable::Magic $v_m_req
+In this mode B::Hooks::EndOfScope::WithFallback expects to be able to tie()
+the hinthash %^H, however it is apparently already tied by means unknown to
+the tie-class $c
+Since this is a no-win situation execution will abort here and now. Please
+try to find out which other module is relying on hinthash tie() ability,
+and file a bug for both the perpetrator and B::Hooks::EndOfScope::WithFallback
+so that the authors can figure out an acceptable way of moving forward.
+ }
+ $stack = $t->[1];
+ }
+ else {
+ tie(
+ %^H,
+ 'B::Hooks::EndOfScope::WithFallback::_TieHintHash',
+ ($stack = B::Hooks::EndOfScope::WithFallback::_ScopeGuardArray->new),
+ );
+ }
+ my ($f, @callsite);
+ do { @callsite = caller(++$f) }
+ while (@callsite and $callsite[1] =~ /\(eval.+\)/);
+ push @$stack, {
+ code => shift(),
+ caller => sprintf '%s line %s', @callsite[1,2]
+ };
+ }
+ 1; # for the above `or die()`
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+=head1 AUTHOR
+ribasushi: Peter Rabbitson <ribasushi@cpan.org>
+None as of yet
+Copyright (c) 2011 the B::Hooks::EndOfScope::WithFalback L</AUTHOR> and L</CONTRIBUTORS>
+as listed above.
+=head1 LICENSE
+This library is free software and may be distributed under the same terms
+as perl itself.