-use Test::More tests => 13;
+use Test::More tests => 12;
use Test::Exception;
use lib qw(t/lib);
-use_ok( 'DBIx::Class::Schema::ScriptDo' );
ok(my $schema = DBICTest->init_schema(), 'got schema');
throws_ok {
- $schema->_execute_single_statement(qw/asdasdasd/);
+ $schema->storage->_execute_single_statement(qw/asdasdasd/);
} qr/DBI Exception: DBD::SQLite::db do failed:/, 'Correctly died!';
throws_ok {
- $schema->_normalize_fh_from_args(qw/t share scriptXXX.sql/);
+ $schema->storage->_normalize_fh_from_args(qw/t share scriptXXX.sql/);
} qr/Can't open file/, 'Dies with bad filehandle';
-ok my $fh = $schema->_normalize_fh_from_args(qw/t share script1.sql/),
+ok my $fh = $schema->storage->_normalize_fh_from_args(qw/t share basic.sql/),
'Got good filehandle';
-ok my @lines = $schema->_normalize_lines_from_fh($fh), 'Got some lines';
+ok my @lines = $schema->storage->_normalize_lines_from_fh($fh), 'Got some lines';
is_deeply [@lines], [
"CREATE TABLE cd_to_producer (",
], 'Got expected lines';
-ok my @statements = $schema->_normalize_statements_from_lines(@lines),
+ok my @statements = $schema->storage->_normalize_statements_from_lines(@lines),
'Got Statements';
is_deeply [@statements], [
], 'Got expect Lines';
-ok $schema->_execute_single_statement(
- 'insert into artist( artistid,name )',
- 'values( 777777,"--commented" );',
- ), 'executed statement';
+lives_ok {
+ $schema->storage->_execute_single_statement('insert into artist( artistid,name) values( 777777,"--commented" );');
+} 'executed statement';
-ok $schema->run_file_against_storage(qw/t share simple.sql/), 'executed the simple';
-ok $schema->run_file_against_storage(qw/t share killer.sql/), 'executed the killer';
\ No newline at end of file
+ok $schema->storage->run_file_against_storage(qw/t share simple.sql/), 'executed the simple';
+ok $schema->storage->run_file_against_storage(qw/t share killer.sql/), 'executed the killer';
\ No newline at end of file