for (; entry; entry = HeNEXT(entry)) {
if (HeHASH(entry) == hash) {
- goto next_please;
+ /* We might have a duplicate key here. If so, entry is older
+ than the key we've already put in the hash, so if they are
+ the same, skip adding entry. */
+ const STRLEN klen = HeKLEN(entry);
+ const char *const key = HeKEY(entry);
+ if (klen == chain->refcounted_he_keylen
+ && (!!HeKUTF8(entry)
+ == !!(chain->refcounted_he_data[0] & HVhek_UTF8))
+ && memEQ(key, REF_HE_KEY(chain), klen))
+ goto next_please;
+ if (HeKEY_hek(entry) == chain->refcounted_he_hek)
+ goto next_please;
+ if (HeKLEN(entry) == HEK_LEN(chain->refcounted_he_hek)
+ && HeKUTF8(entry) == HEK_UTF8(chain->refcounted_he_hek)
+ && memEQ(HeKEY(entry), HEK_KEY(chain->refcounted_he_hek),
+ HeKLEN(entry)))
+ goto next_please;
assert (!entry);
chdir 't' if -d 't';
@INC = '../lib';
require './';
- plan( tests => 71 );
+ plan( tests => 77 );
my @c;
is(get_hash()->{$k2}, 2, "UTF-8 or not, it's the same");
is(get_hash()->{$k3}, 3, "Octect sequences and UTF-8 are distinct");
+ my ($k1, $k2, $k3);
+ ($k1, $k2, $k3) = ("\0", "\0\0", "\0\0\0");
+ $^H{$k1} = 1;
+ $^H{$k2} = 2;
+ $^H{$k3} = 3;
+ }
+ is(get_hash()->{$k1}, 1, "Keys with the same hash value don't clash");
+ is(get_hash()->{$k2}, 2, "Keys with the same hash value don't clash");
+ is(get_hash()->{$k3}, 3, "Keys with the same hash value don't clash");
+ $^H{$k1} = "a";
+ $^H{$k2} = "b";
+ $^H{$k3} = "c";
+ }
+ is(get_hash()->{$k1}, "a", "Keys with the same hash value don't clash");
+ is(get_hash()->{$k2}, "b", "Keys with the same hash value don't clash");
+ is(get_hash()->{$k3}, "c", "Keys with the same hash value don't clash");