my $assets_path = catdir($parent_dir, 'htdocs/assets');
my $parser = Pod::Xhtml->new(FragmentOnly => 1, StringMode => 1);
my %module_names = ();
+my %thumbnails = ();
my $fh;
# creating index file
open($fh, '>', File::Spec->catfile($pages_path, 'documentation.html-inc'));
binmode($fh, ":utf8");
-print($fh "<div class=\"pod\">\n<h1>Documentation (latest development branch)</h1>");
+print($fh "<div class=\"pod\">\n<h1>Documentation (latest development branch)</h1><table>");
for my $module_name (sort keys %module_names)
- print($fh '<a href="' . $module_names{$module_name} . '">',
- $module_name,
- '</a><br />'
- );
+ my $icon = sprintf('<img src="assets/bubble-%d-mini.png" alt="thumb" />', int((rand() * 7) + 1));
+ my $name = $module_name;
+ my $desc = '';
+ if($module_name =~ /^([^\-]+)\-(.+)$/)
+ {
+ $name = $1;
+ $desc = $2;
+ }
+ if(defined $thumbnails{$module_name})
+ {
+ $icon = sprintf('<img src="assets/%s" alt="thumb" />', $thumbnails{$module_name});
+ }
+ printf($fh '<tr><td>%s</td><td><a href="%s">%s</a></td><td>%s</td></tr>',
+ $icon, $module_names{$module_name}, $name, $desc);
-print($fh "</div>\n");
+print($fh "</table></div>\n");
sub read_file
read_file($_) if(-d $_);
if($_ =~ /\.pod$/i)
+ my $file_name = $_;
+ $file_name =~ s/^$input_path\/*//;
+ my $module_name = $file_name;
+ $module_name =~ s/\//::/g;
+ $module_name =~ s/(\.pm|\.pod)$//i;
+ $file_name =~ s/\//-/g;
+ $file_name =~ s/(\.pm|\.pod)$/.html-inc/i;
+ my $file_path = $file_name;
+ $file_path =~ s/\-inc$//;
+ $file_name = File::Spec->catfile($pages_path, $file_name);
+ $parser->parse_from_file($_); #, $file_name);
+ $module_name .= " - $1" if $parser->asString =~ /<div id="NAME_CONTENT">\s*<p>\s*[^<>\-]+\-([^<>]+)\s*<\/p>\s*<\/div>/;
+ $module_names{$module_name} = $file_path;
+ # handling images
my $image_path = $_;
$image_path =~ s/\.pod$//;
my @images = <$image_path*>;
foreach my $image_file (@images)
- if($image_file =~ /^($image_path)(_\d+){0,1}\.(jpg|jpeg|png|gif)$/)
+ if($image_file =~ /^($image_path)(_\w+){0,1}\.(jpg|jpeg|png|gif)$/)
my (undef, undef, $image_file_name) = splitpath($image_file);
- $image_html .= sprintf('<a href="assets/%s" target="_blank">'
- . '<img src="assets/%s" style="height: 160px" alt="%s"/>'
- . '</a>', $image_file_name, $image_file_name, $image_file_name);
+ if($image_file_name =~ /_thumb\.(jpg|jpeg|png|gif)$/)
+ {
+ $thumbnails{$module_name} = $image_file_name;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $image_html .= sprintf('<a href="assets/%s" target="_blank">'
+ . '<img src="assets/%s" style="height: 160px" alt="%s"/>'
+ . '</a>', $image_file_name, $image_file_name, $image_file_name);
+ }
copy($image_file, File::Spec->catfile($assets_path, $image_file_name));
- my $file_name = $_;
- $file_name =~ s/^$input_path\/*//;
- my $module_name = $file_name;
- $module_name =~ s/\//::/g;
- $module_name =~ s/(\.pm|\.pod)$//i;
- $file_name =~ s/\//-/g;
- $file_name =~ s/(\.pm|\.pod)$/.html-inc/i;
- my $file_path = $file_name;
- $file_path =~ s/\-inc$//;
- $module_names{$module_name} = $file_path;
- $file_name = File::Spec->catfile($pages_path, $file_name);
- $parser->parse_from_file($_); #, $file_name);
# modifying the html-snippet and insert the images
my $html = $parser->asString;
$html =~ s/<!-- INDEX END -->/<!-- INDEX END -->$image_html<hr \/>/ if $image_html;