@INC = '../lib';
-# Utility testing functions.
-my $test_num = 1;
+# Can't use Test::Simple/More, they depend on Exporter.
+my $test = 1;
sub ok ($;$) {
- my($test, $name) = @_;
- print "not " unless $test;
- print "ok $test_num";
- print " - $name" if (defined $name && ! $^O eq 'VMS');
- print "\n";
- $test_num++;
+ my($ok, $name) = @_;
+ # You have to do it this way or VMS will get confused.
+ printf "%sok %d%s\n", ($ok ? '' : 'not '), $test,
+ (defined $name ? " - $name" : '');
+ printf "# Failed test at line %d\n", (caller)[2] unless $ok;
+ $test++;
+ return $ok;
-my $loaded;
-BEGIN { $| = 1; $^W = 1; }
-END {print "not ok $test_num\n" unless $loaded;}
-print "1..$Total_tests\n";
-use Exporter;
-$loaded = 1;
-ok(1, 'compile');
+print "1..19\n";
+require Exporter;
+ok( 1, 'Exporter compiled' );
-BEGIN { $Total_tests = 14 + @Exporter_Methods }
package Testing;
require Exporter;
eval { Yet::More::Testing->require_version(10); 1 };
::ok($@ !~ /\(undef\)/, 'require_version(10) and $VERSION = 0');
+my $warnings;
+ $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $warnings = join '', @_ };
+ package Testing::Unused::Vars;
+ @ISA = qw(Exporter);
+ @EXPORT = qw(this $TODO that);
+ package Foo;
+ Testing::Unused::Vars->import;
+::ok( !$warnings, 'Unused variables can be exported without warning' ) ||
+ print "# $warnings\n";