# everything on the graph, from which we will delete the apps and
# anchors when we are done.
- # First, put the base tokens, apps, and anchors in the graph.
+ # First, put the base tokens, apps, and anchors in the graph. Save the
+ # app siglorum separately as it has to be processed in order.
+ my @app_sig;
my $counter = 0;
my $last = $c->start;
foreach my $item ( @base_text ) {
} elsif ( $item->{'type'} eq 'app' ) {
my $tag = '__APP_' . $counter++ . '__';
$r = $c->add_reading( { id => $tag, is_ph => 1 } );
- $apps{$tag} = $item->{'content'};
+ # Apparatus criticus is type a1; app siglorum is type a2
+ if( $item->{'content'}->getAttribute('type') eq 'a1' ) {
+ $apps{$tag} = $item->{'content'};
+ } else {
+ push( @app_sig, $item->{'content'} );
+ }
$c->add_path( $last, $r, $c->baselabel );
$last = $r;
foreach my $app_id ( keys %apps ) {
_add_readings( $c, $app_id, $opts );
+ _add_lacunae( $c, @app_sig );
# Finally, add explicit witness paths, remove the base paths, and remove
# the app/anchor tags.
push( @readings, { type => 'anchor',
content => $xn->getAttribute( 'xml:id' ) } );
} # if the anchor has no XML ID, it is not relevant to us.
- } elsif( $xn->nodeName =~ /^wit(Start|End)$/ ){
- push( @readings, { type => 'token', content => '#' . uc( $1 ) . '#' } );
} elsif( $xn->nodeName !~ /^(note|seg|milestone|emph)$/ ) { # Any tag we don't know to disregard
say STDERR "Unrecognized tag " . $xn->nodeName;
sub _add_readings {
my( $c, $app_id, $opts ) = @_;
my $xn = $apps{$app_id};
- # If the app is of type a1, it is an apparatus criticus.
- # If it is of type a2, it is an apparatus codicum and might not
- # have an anchor.
- my $anchor;
- if( $xn->hasAttribute('to') ) {
- $anchor = _anchor_name( $xn->getAttribute( 'to' ) );
- }
+ my $anchor = _anchor_name( $xn->getAttribute( 'to' ) );
# Get the lemma, which is all the readings between app and anchor,
# excluding other apps or anchors.
- my @lemma;
- my $lemma_str = '';
- if( $anchor ) {
- @lemma = _return_lemma( $c, $app_id, $anchor );
- $lemma_str = join( ' ', map { $_->text } grep { !$_->is_ph } @lemma );
- }
+ my @lemma = _return_lemma( $c, $app_id, $anchor );
+ my $lemma_str = join( ' ', map { $_->text } grep { !$_->is_ph } @lemma );
# For each reading, send its text to 'interpret' along with the lemma,
# and then save the list of witnesses that these tokens belong to.
} else {
- if ( $flag->{'START'}
- && $c->prior_reading( $app_id, $c->baselabel ) ne $c->start ) {
- # Add a lacuna for the witness start.
- push( @rdg_nodes, $c->add_reading( { id => 'r'.$tag.".".$ctr++,
- is_lacuna => 1 } ) );
- }
foreach my $w ( split( /\s+/, $interpreted ) ) {
my $r = $c->add_reading( { id => 'r'.$tag.".".$ctr++,
text => $w } );
push( @rdg_nodes, $r );
- if( $flag->{'END'}
- && $c->next_reading( $app_id, $c->baselabel ) ne $c->end ) {
- # Add a lacuna for the witness end.
- push( @rdg_nodes, $c->add_reading( { id => 'r'.$tag.".".$ctr++,
- is_lacuna => 1 } ) );
- }
# For each listed wit, save the reading.
# Now add the witness paths for each reading. If we don't have an anchor
# (e.g. with an initial witStart) there was no witness path to speak of.
- if( $anchor ) {
- my $aclabel = $c->ac_label;
- foreach my $wit_id ( keys %wit_rdgs ) {
- my $witstr = _get_sigil( $wit_id, $aclabel );
- my $rdg_list = $wit_rdgs{$wit_id};
- _add_wit_path( $c, $rdg_list, $app_id, $anchor, $witstr );
- }
+ foreach my $wit_id ( keys %wit_rdgs ) {
+ my $witstr = _get_sigil( $wit_id, $c->ac_label );
+ my $rdg_list = $wit_rdgs{$wit_id};
+ _add_wit_path( $c, $rdg_list, $app_id, $anchor, $witstr );
say STDERR "Will attempt transposition: $reading at $anchor";
$reading = $lemma;
$flag->{'TR'} = $+{lem};
- # Look for processed witStart and witEnd tags
- } elsif( $reading =~ /^\#START\#\s*(.*)$/ ) {
- $reading = $1;
- $flag->{'START'} = 1;
- } elsif( $reading =~ /^(.*?)\s*\#END\#$/ ) {
- $reading = $1;
- $flag->{'END'} = 1;
return( $reading, $flag );
+sub _add_lacunae {
+ my( $c, @apps ) = @_;
+ # Go through the apparatus entries in order, noting where to start and stop our
+ # various witnesses.
+ my %lacunose;
+ my $ctr = 0;
+ foreach my $app ( @apps ) {
+ # Find the anchor, if any. This marks the point where the text starts
+ # or ends.
+ my $anchor = $app->getAttribute( 'to' );
+ my $aname;
+ if( $anchor ) {
+ $aname = _anchor_name( $anchor );
+ }
+ foreach my $rdg ( $app->getChildrenByTagName( 'rdg' ) ) {
+ my @witlist = map { _get_sigil( $_, $c->ac_label ) }
+ split( /\s+/, $rdg->getAttribute( 'wit' ) );
+ my @start = $rdg->getChildrenByTagName( 'witStart' );
+ my @end = $rdg->getChildrenByTagName( 'witEnd' );
+ if( @start && @end ) {
+ throw( "App sig entry at $anchor has both witStart and witEnd!" );
+ }
+ if( @start && $anchor &&
+ $c->prior_reading( $aname, $c->baselabel ) ne $c->start ) {
+ # We are picking back up after a hiatus. Find the last end and
+ # add a lacuna link between there and here.
+ foreach my $wit ( @witlist ) {
+ my $stoppoint = delete $lacunose{$wit};
+ $stoppoint = $c->start unless $stoppoint;
+ my $stopname = _anchor_name( $stoppoint );
+ say STDERR "Adding lacuna for $wit between $stoppoint and $anchor";
+ my $lacuna = $c->add_reading( { id => "as_$anchor.".$ctr++,
+ is_lacuna => 1 } );
+ _add_wit_path( $c, [ $lacuna ], $stopname, $aname, $wit );
+ }
+ } elsif( @end && $anchor &&
+ $c->next_reading( $aname, $c->baselabel ) ne $c->end ) {
+ # We are stopping. If we've already stopped for the given witness,
+ # flag an error; otherwise record the stopping point.
+ foreach my $wit ( @witlist ) {
+ if( $lacunose{$wit} ) {
+ throw( "Trying to end $wit at $anchor when already ended at "
+ . $lacunose{$wit} );
+ }
+ $lacunose{$wit} = $anchor;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # For whatever remains in the %lacunose hash, add a lacuna between that spot and
+ # $c->end for each of the witnesses.
+ foreach my $wit ( keys %lacunose ) {
+ next unless $lacunose{$wit};
+ my $aname = _anchor_name( $lacunose{$wit} );
+ say STDERR "Adding lacuna for $wit from $aname to end";
+ my $lacuna = $c->add_reading( { id => 'as_'.$lacunose{$wit}.'.'.$ctr++,
+ is_lacuna => 1 } );
+ _add_wit_path( $c, [ $lacuna ], $aname, $c->end, $wit );
+ }
sub _get_sigil {
my( $xml_id, $layerlabel ) = @_;
if( $xml_id =~ /^(.*)_ac$/ ) {