my $expander = sub {
my ($self, $dir, $expr) = @_;
+ my @to_expand = ref($expr) eq 'ARRAY' ? @$expr : $expr;
+ foreach my $arg (@to_expand) {
+ if (
+ ref($arg) eq 'HASH'
+ and keys %$arg > 1
+ and grep /^-(asc|desc)$/, keys %$arg
+ ) {
+ puke "ordering direction hash passed to order by must have exactly one key (-asc or -desc)";
+ }
+ }
my @exp = map +(defined($dir) ? { -op => [ $dir => $_ ] } : $_),
- map $self->_expand_expr($_, undef, -ident),
- ref($expr) eq 'ARRAY' ? @$expr : $expr;
+ map $self->_expand_expr($_, undef, -ident), @to_expand;
return (@exp > 1 ? { -op => [ ',', @exp ] } : $exp[0]);
- if (
- ref($arg) eq 'HASH'
- and keys %$arg > 1
- and grep /^-(asc|desc)$/, keys %$arg
- ) {
- puke "ordering direction hash passed to order by must have exactly one key (-asc or -desc)";
- }
local @{$self->{expand_unary}}{qw(-asc -desc)} = (
sub { shift->$expander(asc => @_) },
sub { shift->$expander(desc => @_) },
throws_ok (
+ sub { $sql->_order_by([ {-desc => 'colA', -asc => 'colB' } ]) },
+ qr/hash passed .+ must have exactly one key/,
+ 'Undeterministic order exception',
+throws_ok (
sub { $sql->_order_by({-desc => [ qw/colA colB/ ], -asc => [ qw/colC colD/ ] }) },
qr/hash passed .+ must have exactly one key/,
'Undeterministic order exception',