return if $self->at_end;
- my $key_sector = $self->{sector}->get_key_for( $self->{curr_index}++ );
+ my $data_loc = $self->{sector}->get_data_location_for({
+ allow_head => 1,
+ idx => $self->{curr_index}++,
+ }) or return;
+ my $key_sector = $self->{sector}->get_key_for( $self->{curr_index} - 1 );
+ #XXX Is this check necessary now?
return unless $key_sector;
return $key_sector->data;
is( $count, $max_keys, "We read $count keys" );
-SKIP: {
- skip "Keys aren't ready yet", 3;
+#SKIP: {
+#skip "Keys aren't ready yet", 3;
my @keys = sort keys %$db;
cmp_ok( scalar(@keys), '==', $max_keys + 1, "Number of keys is correct" );
my @control = sort map { "hello $_" } 0 .. $max_keys;
cmp_ok( scalar(keys %$db), '==', 0, "Number of keys after clear() is correct" );