sub rc {
open RC, ">", ".perldb" or die $!;
if ( $Config{usethreads} ) {
+ skip('This perl has threads, skipping non-threaded debugger tests');
+ } else {
+ my $error = 'This Perl not built to support threads';
+ my $output = runperl( switches => [ '-dt' ] );
+ like($output, qr/$error/, 'Perl debugger correctly complains that it was not built with threads');
+ }
+ if ( $Config{usethreads} ) {
local $ENV{PERLDB_OPTS} = "ReadLine=0 NonStop=1";
my $output = runperl(switches => [ '-dt' ], progfile => '../lib/perl5db/t/symbol-table-bug');
like($output, qr/Undefined symbols 0/, 'there are no undefined values in the symbol table when running with thread support');