requires 'Catalyst::Runtime' => '5.90002';
requires 'Catalyst::Plugin::ConfigLoader';
requires 'Catalyst::Plugin::Static::Simple';
+requires 'Catalyst::Plugin::Unicode::Encoding';
requires 'Catalyst::Action::RenderView';
+requires 'Catalyst::Model::Adaptor';
requires 'Moose';
requires 'namespace::autoclean';
requires 'Config::General'; # This should reflect the config file format you've chosen
<tr [% rowclass %]>
<th><span class="rowid">[% %]</span></th>
[% FOREACH reading IN row.readings -%]
- <td class="clickable"><span onclick="$('td.active_variant_cell').removeClass('active_variant_cell');$(this).parent().addClass('active_variant_cell');$('tr.active_variant_row').removeClass('active_variant_row');$(this).parents('tr').addClass('active_variant_row');color_nodes($(this).parent().index(), [% %], [% reading.missing %]);">[% reading.text %]</span></td>
+[% SET cellclass = 'clickable conflict' IF reading.conflict -%]
+[% SET cellclass = 'clickable' IF reading.conflict -%]
+ <td class="[% cellclass %]"><span onclick="$('td.active_variant_cell').removeClass('active_variant_cell');$(this).parent().addClass('active_variant_cell');$('tr.active_variant_row').removeClass('active_variant_row');$(this).parents('tr').addClass('active_variant_row');color_nodes($(this).parent().index(), [% %], [% reading.missing %]);">[% reading.text %]</span></td>
[% END -%]
[% FILTER repeat( row.empty ) -%]
# For all the groups with more than one member, collect the list of all
# contiguous vertices needed to connect them.
# TODO: deal with a.c. reading logic
- my $sc = analyze_variant_location( $group_readings, $groups, $stemma->apsp );
- $variant_row->{'genealogical'} = keys %$sc ? 1 : undef;
+ my $conflict = analyze_variant_location(
+ $group_readings, $groups, $stemma->apsp );
+ $variant_row->{'genealogical'} = keys %$conflict ? undef : 1;
foreach my $grp ( sort keys %$group_readings ) {
my $rdg = $group_readings->{$grp};
+ my $in_conflict = exists $conflict->{$grp};
push( @{$variant_row->{'readings'}},
- { 'text' => $rdg, 'group' => $grp,
+ { 'text' => $rdg, 'group' => $grp, 'conflict' => $in_conflict,
'missing' => wit_stringify( $lacunose ) } );