use Moose::Role;
use Class::Inspector;
-our $VERSION = '0.0002';
+our $VERSION = '0.0003';
=head1 NAME
This module is meant to be loaded as a role from Moose-based classes
-it will add five methods and five attributes to assist you with the loading
+it will add five methods and four attributes to assist you with the loading
and handling of plugins and extensions for plugins. I understand that this may
pollute your namespace, however I took great care in using the least ambiguous
names possible.
their consuming classes, so it is important to watch for load order as plugins can
and will overload each other. You may also add attributes through has.
-Even thouch C<override> will work in basic cases, I STRONGLY discourage it's use
+Please note that when you laod at runtime you lose the ability to wrap C<BUILD>
+and roles using C<has> will not go through comile time checks like C<required>
+and <default>.
+Even thouch C<override> will work , I STRONGLY discourage it's use
and a warning will be thrown if you try to use it.
This is closely linked to the way multiple roles being applies is handles and is not
likely to change. C<override> bevavior is closely linked to inheritance and thus will
=head1 How plugins are loaded
-You don't really need to understand anything except for the first paragraph.
-The first time you load a plugin a new anonymous L<Moose::Meta::Class> will be
-created. This class will inherit from your pluggable object and then your object
-will be reblessed to an instance of this anonymous class. This means that
+When roles are applied at runtime an anonymous class will wrap your class and
C<$self-E<gt>blessed> and C<ref $self> will no longer return the name of your object,
-they will instead return the name of the anonymous class created at runtime. Your
-original class name can be located at C<($self-E<gt>meta-E<gt>superclasses)[0]>
+they will instead return the name of the anonymous class created at runtime.
+See C<_original_class_name>.
-Once the anonymous subclass exists all plugin roles will be C<apply>ed to this class
-directly. This "subclass" though is in fact now C<$self> and it C<isa($yourclassname)>.
- If this is confusing.. it should be, thats why you let me handle it. Just know that it
-has to be done this way in order for plugins to override core functionality.
+=head1 Usage
-For a simple example see the tests for this distribution.
+For a simple example see the tests included in this distribution.
=head1 Attributes
HashRef. Keeps an inventory of what plugins are loaded and what the actual
module name is to avoid multiple loading.
-=head2 __plugin_subclass
-Object. This holds the subclass of our pluggable object in the form of an
-anonymous L<Moose::Meta::Class> instance. All roles are actually applied to
-this instance instead of the original class instance in order to not lose
-the original object name as roles are applied. The anonymous class will be
-automatically generated upon first use.
has _plugin_loaded => (is => 'rw', required => 1, isa => 'HashRef',
default => sub{ {} });
-has __plugin_subclass => ( is => 'rw', required => 0, isa => 'Object', );
=head1 Public Methods
=head2 load_plugin $plugin
-This is the only method you should be using.
-Load the apropriate role for C<$plugin> as well as any
-extensions it provides if extensions are enabled.
+This is the only method you should be using. Load the apropriate role for
+C<$plugin> as well as any extensions it provides if extensions are enabled.
my $loaded = $self->_plugin_loaded;
return 1 if exists $loaded->{$plugin};
my $role = $self->_role_from_plugin($plugin);
$loaded->{$plugin} = $role if $self->_load_and_apply_role($role);
-=head1 Private Methods
-There's nothing stopping you from using these, but if you are using them
-you are probably doing something wrong.
+=head2 _original_class_name
-=head2 _plugin_subclass
-Creates, if needed and returns the anonymous instance of the consuming objects
-subclass to which roles will be applied to.
+Because of the way roles apply C<$self-E<gt>blessed> and C<ref $self> will
+no longer return what you expect. Instead use this class to get your original
+class name.
-sub _plugin_subclass{
+sub _original_class_name{
my $self = shift;
- my $anon_class = $self->__plugin_subclass;
- #initialize if we havnt been initialized already.
- unless(ref $anon_class && $self->meta->is_anon_class){
- #create an anon class that inherits from $self that plugins can be
- #applied to safely and store it within the $self instance.
- $anon_class = Moose::Meta::Class->
- create_anon_class(superclasses => [$self->meta->name]);
- $self->__plugin_subclass( $anon_class );
- #rebless $self as the anon class which now inherits from ourselves
- #this allows the anon class to override methods in the consuming
- #class while keeping a stable name and set of superclasses
- bless $self => $anon_class->name
- unless $self->meta->name eq $anon_class->name;
- }
- return $anon_class;
+ return (grep {$_ !~ /^Moose::/} $self->meta->class_precedence_list)[0];
+=head1 Private Methods
+There's nothing stopping you from using these, but if you are using them
+for anything thats not really complicated you are probably doing
+something wrong. Some of these may be inlined in the future if performance
+becomes an issue (which I doubt).
=head2 _role_from_plugin $plugin
Creates a role name from a plugin name. If the plugin name is prepended
sub _role_from_plugin{
my ($self, $plugin) = @_;
- my $name = $self->meta->is_anon_class ?
- ($self->meta->superclasses)[0] : $self->blessed;
+ return $1 if $plugin =~ /^\+(.*)/;
- $plugin =~ /^\+(.*)/ ? $1 : join '::', $name, $self->_plugin_ns, $plugin;
+ return join '::', ( $self->_original_class_name,
+ $self->_plugin_ns, $plugin );
=head2 _load_and_apply_role $role
-Require C<$role> if it is not already loaded and apply it to
-C<_plugin_subclass>. This is the meat of this module.
+Require C<$role> if it is not already loaded and apply it. This is
+the meat of this module.
eval "require $role" || die("Failed to load role: $role");
carp("Using 'override' is strongly discouraged and may not behave ".
"as you expect it to. Please use 'around'")
if scalar keys %{ $role->meta->get_override_method_modifiers_map };
#apply the plugin to the anon subclass
die("Failed to apply plugin: $role")
- unless $role->meta->apply( $self->_plugin_subclass );
+ unless $role->meta->apply( $self );
return 1;
=head1 SEE ALSO
-L<Moose>, L<Moose::Role>
+L<Moose>, L<Moose::Role>, L<Class::Inspector>
=head1 AUTHOR