--- /dev/null
+package Test::SQL::Translator;
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+# $Id: Translator.pm,v 1.1 2004-02-29 18:26:53 grommit Exp $
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Copyright (C) 2003 The SQLFairy Authors
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
+# 02111-1307 USA
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------
+=head1 NAME
+Test::SQL::Translator - Test::More test functions for the Schema objects.
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use base qw(Exporter);
+use vars qw($VERSION @EXPORT @EXPORT_OK);
+$VERSION = sprintf "%d.%02d", q$Revision: 1.1 $ =~ /(\d+)\.(\d+)/;
+@EXPORT = qw(
+ table_ok
+ field_ok
+ constraint_ok
+ index_ok
+ view_ok
+ trigger_ok
+ procedure_ok
+# TODO schema_ok
+use Test::More;
+use Test::Exception;
+use SQL::Translator::Schema::Constants;
+# $ATTRIBUTES{ <schema_object_name> } = { <attribname> => <default>, ... }
+$ATTRIBUTES{field} = {
+ name => undef,
+ data_type => '',
+ default_value => undef,
+ size => '0',
+ is_primary_key => 0,
+ is_unique => 0,
+ is_nullable => 1,
+ is_foreign_key => 0,
+ is_auto_increment => 0,
+ comments => '',
+ extra => {},
+ # foreign_key_reference,
+ is_valid => 1,
+ # order
+$ATTRIBUTES{constraint} = {
+ name => '',
+ type => '',
+ deferrable => 1,
+ expression => '',
+ is_valid => 1,
+ fields => [],
+ match_type => '',
+ options => [],
+ on_delete => '',
+ on_update => '',
+ reference_fields => [],
+ reference_table => '',
+$ATTRIBUTES{'index'} = {
+ fields => [],
+ is_valid => 1,
+ name => "",
+ options => [],
+ type => NORMAL,
+$ATTRIBUTES{'view'} = {
+ name => "",
+ sql => "",
+ fields => [],
+$ATTRIBUTES{'trigger'} = {
+ name => '',
+ perform_action_when => undef,
+ database_event => undef,
+ on_table => undef,
+ action => undef,
+$ATTRIBUTES{'procedure'} = {
+ name => '',
+ sql => '',
+ parameters => [],
+ owner => '',
+ comments => '',
+$ATTRIBUTES{table} = {
+ comments => undef,
+ name => '',
+ #primary_key => undef, # pkey constraint
+ options => [],
+ #order => 0,
+ fields => undef,
+ constraints => undef,
+ indices => undef,
+# Given a test hash and schema object name set any attribute keys not present in
+# the test hash to their default value for that schema object type.
+# e.g. default_attribs( $test, "field" );
+sub default_attribs {
+ my ($foo, $what) = @_;
+ die "Can't add default attibs - unkown Scheam object type '$what'."
+ unless exists $ATTRIBUTES{$what};
+ $foo->{$_} = $ATTRIBUTES{$what}{$_}
+ foreach grep !exists($foo->{$_}), keys %{$ATTRIBUTES{$what}};
+ return $foo;
+# Format test name so it will prepend the test names used below.
+sub t_name {
+ my $name = shift;
+ $name ||= "";
+ $name = "$name - " if $name;
+ return $name;
+sub field_ok {
+ my ($f1,$test,$name) = @_;
+ my $t_name = t_name($name);
+ default_attribs($test,"field");
+ unless ($f1) {
+ fail " Field '$test->{name}' doesn't exist!";
+ return;
+ }
+ is( $f1->name, $test->{name}, "${t_name}Field name '$test->{name}'" );
+ is( $f1->is_valid, $test->{is_valid},
+ "$t_name is".($test->{is_valid} ? '' : 'not ').'valid' );
+ is( $f1->data_type, $test->{data_type},
+ "$t_name type is '$test->{data_type}'" );
+ is( $f1->size, $test->{size}, "$t_name size is '$test->{size}'" );
+ is( $f1->default_value, $test->{default_value},
+ "$t_name default value is "
+ .(defined($test->{default_value}) ? "'$test->{default_value}'" : "UNDEF" )
+ );
+ is( $f1->is_nullable, $test->{is_nullable},
+ "$t_name ".($test->{is_nullable} ? 'can' : 'cannot').' be null' );
+ is( $f1->is_unique, $test->{is_unique},
+ "$t_name ".($test->{is_unique} ? 'can' : 'cannot').' be unique' );
+ is( $f1->is_primary_key, $test->{is_primary_key},
+ "$t_name is ".($test->{is_primary_key} ? '' : 'not ').'a primary_key' );
+ is( $f1->is_foreign_key, $test->{is_foreign_key},
+ "$t_name is ".($test->{is_foreign_key} ? '' : 'not').' a foreign_key' );
+ is( $f1->is_auto_increment, $test->{is_auto_increment},
+ "$t_name is "
+ .($test->{is_auto_increment} ? '' : 'not ').'an auto_increment' );
+ is( $f1->comments, $test->{comments}, "$t_name comments" );
+ is_deeply( { $f1->extra }, $test->{extra}, "$t_name extra" );
+sub constraint_ok {
+ my ($obj,$test,$name) = @_;
+ my $t_name = t_name($name);
+ default_attribs($test,"constraint");
+ is( $obj->name, $test->{name}, "${t_name}Constraint '$test->{name}'" );
+ is( $obj->type, $test->{type}, "$t_name type is '$test->{type}'" );
+ is( $obj->deferrable, $test->{deferrable},
+ "$t_name ".($test->{deferrable} ? 'can' : 'cannot').' be deferred' );
+ is( $obj->is_valid, $test->{is_valid},
+ "$t_name is ".($test->{is_valid} ? '' : 'not ').'valid' );
+ is($obj->table->name,$test->{table},"$t_name table is '$test->{table}'" );
+ is( $obj->expression, $test->{expression},
+ "$t_name expression is '$test->{expression}'" );
+ is_deeply( [$obj->fields], $test->{fields},
+ "$t_name fields are '".join(",",@{$test->{fields}})."'" );
+ is( $obj->reference_table, $test->{reference_table},
+ "$t_name reference_table is '$test->{reference_table}'" );
+ is_deeply( [$obj->reference_fields], $test->{reference_fields},
+ "$t_name reference_fields are '".join(",",@{$test->{reference_fields}})."'" );
+ is( $obj->match_type, $test->{match_type},
+ "$t_name match_type is '$test->{match_type}'" );
+ is( $obj->on_delete, $test->{on_delete},
+ "$t_name on_delete is '$test->{on_delete}'" );
+ is( $obj->on_update, $test->{on_update},
+ "$t_name on_update is '$test->{on_update}'" );
+ is_deeply( [$obj->options], $test->{options},
+ "$t_name options are '".join(",",@{$test->{options}})."'" );
+sub index_ok {
+ my ($obj,$test,$name) = @_;
+ my $t_name = t_name($name);
+ default_attribs($test,"index");
+ is( $obj->name, $test->{name}, "${t_name}Index '$test->{name}'" );
+ is( $obj->is_valid, $test->{is_valid},
+ "$t_name is ".($test->{is_valid} ? '' : 'not ').'valid' );
+ is( $obj->type, $test->{type}, "$t_name type is '$test->{type}'" );
+ is_deeply( [$obj->fields], $test->{fields},
+ "$t_name fields are '".join(",",@{$test->{fields}})."'" );
+ is_deeply( [$obj->options], $test->{options},
+ "$t_name options are '".join(",",@{$test->{options}})."'" );
+sub trigger_ok {
+ my ($obj,$test,$name) = @_;
+ my $t_name = t_name($name);
+ default_attribs($test,"index");
+ is( $obj->name, $test->{name}, "${t_name}Constraint '$test->{name}'" );
+ is( $obj->is_valid, $test->{is_valid},
+ "$t_name is ".($test->{is_valid} ? '' : 'not ').'valid' );
+ is( $obj->perform_action_when, $test->{perform_action_when},
+ "$t_name perform_action_when is '$test->{perform_action_when}'" );
+ is( $obj->database_event, $test->{database_event},
+ "$t_name database_event is '$test->{database_event}'" );
+ is( $obj->on_table, $test->{on_table},
+ "$t_name on_table is '$test->{on_table}'" );
+ is( $obj->action, $test->{action}, "$t_name action is '$test->{action}'" );
+sub view_ok {
+ my ($obj,$test,$name) = @_;
+ my $t_name = t_name($name);
+ default_attribs($test,"index");
+ #isa_ok( $v, 'SQL::Translator::Schema::View', 'View' );
+ is( $obj->name, $test->{name}, "${t_name}View '$test->{name}'" );
+ is( $obj->is_valid, $test->{is_valid},
+ "$t_name is ".($test->{is_valid} ? '' : 'not ').'valid' );
+ is( $obj->sql, $test->{sql}, "$t_name sql is '$test->{sql}'" );
+ is_deeply( [$obj->fields], $test->{fields},
+ "$t_name fields are '".join(",",@{$test->{fields}})."'" );
+sub procedure_ok {
+ my ($obj,$test,$name) = @_;
+ my $t_name = t_name($name);
+ default_attribs($test,"index");
+ #isa_ok( $v, 'SQL::Translator::Schema::View', 'View' );
+ is( $obj->name, $test->{name}, "${t_name}Procedure '$test->{name}'" );
+ is( $obj->sql, $test->{sql}, "$t_name sql is '$test->{sql}'" );
+ is_deeply( [$obj->parameters], $test->{parameters},
+ "$t_name parameters are '".join(",",@{$test->{parameters}})."'" );
+ is( $obj->comments, $test->{comments},
+ "$t_name comments is '$test->{comments}'" );
+ is( $obj->owner, $test->{owner}, "$t_name owner is '$test->{owner}'" );
+sub table_ok {
+ my ($obj,$test,$name) = @_;
+ my $t_name = t_name($name);
+ default_attribs($test,"table");
+ my %arg = %$test;
+ my $tbl_name = $arg{name} || die "Need a table name to test.";
+ is( $obj->{name}, $arg{name}, "${t_name}Table name '$arg{name}'" );
+ is_deeply( [$obj->options], $test->{options},
+ "$t_name options are '".join(",",@{$test->{options}})."'" );
+ # Fields
+ if ( $arg{fields} ) {
+ my @fldnames = map { $_->{name} } @{$arg{fields}};
+ is_deeply( [ map {$_->name} $obj->get_fields ],
+ [ map {$_->{name}} @{$arg{fields}} ],
+ "${t_name}Table $tbl_name fields match" );
+ foreach ( @{$arg{fields}} ) {
+ my $f_name = $_->{name} || die "Need a field name to test.";
+ field_ok( $obj->get_field($f_name), $_, $name );
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ is(scalar($obj->get_fields), undef,
+ "${t_name}Table $tbl_name has no fields.");
+ }
+ # Constraints and indices
+ my %bits = (
+ constraint => "constraints",
+ 'index' => "indices",
+ );
+ while ( my($foo,$plural) = each %bits ) {
+ next unless defined $arg{$plural};
+ if ( my @tfoo = @{$arg{$plural}} ) {
+ my $meth = "get_$plural";
+ my @foo = $obj->$meth;
+ is(scalar(@foo), scalar(@tfoo),
+ "${t_name}Table $tbl_name has ".scalar(@tfoo)." $plural");
+ foreach ( @foo ) {
+ my $ans = { table => $obj->name, %{shift @tfoo}};
+ my $meth = "${foo}_ok";
+ { no strict 'refs';
+ $meth->( $_, $ans, $name );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+sub schema_ok {
+ my ($obj,$test,$name) = @_;
+ my $t_name = t_name($name);
+ default_attribs($test,"schema");
+1; # compile please ===========================================================
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ # t/magic.t
+ use FindBin '$Bin';
+ use Test::More;
+ use Test::SQL::Translator;
+ # Run parse
+ my $sqlt = SQL::Translator->new(
+ parser => "Magic",
+ filename => "$Bin/data/magic/test.magic",
+ ...
+ );
+ ...
+ my $schema = $sqlt->schema;
+ # Test the table it produced.
+ table_ok( $schema->get_table("Customer"), {
+ name => "Customer",
+ fields => [
+ {
+ name => "CustomerID",
+ data_type => "INT",
+ size => 12,
+ default_value => undef,
+ is_nullable => 0,
+ is_primary_key => 1,
+ },
+ {
+ name => "bar",
+ data_type => "VARCHAR",
+ size => 255,
+ is_nullable => 0,
+ },
+ ],
+ constraints => [
+ {
+ type => "PRIMARY KEY",
+ fields => "CustomerID",
+ },
+ ],
+ indices => [
+ {
+ name => "barindex",
+ fields => ["bar"],
+ },
+ ],
+ });
+Provides a set of Test::More tests for Schema objects. Tesing a parsed
+schema is then as easy as writing a perl data structure describing how you
+expect the schema to look.
+The data structures given to the test subs don't have to include all the
+possible values, only the ones you expect to have changed. Any left out will be
+tested to make sure they are still at their default value. This is a usefull
+check that you your parser hasn't accidentally set schema values you didn't
+expect it to. (And makes tests look nice and long ;-)
+For an example of the output run the t/16xml-parser.t test.
+=head1 Tests
+All the tests take a first arg of the schema object to test, followed by a
+hash ref describing how you expect that object to look (you only need give the
+attributes you expect to have changed from the default).
+The 3rd arg is an optional test name to pre-pend to all the generated test
+=head2 table_ok
+=head2 field_ok
+=head2 constraint_ok
+=head2 index_ok
+=head2 view_ok
+=head2 trigger_ok
+=head2 procedure_ok
+=head1 EXPORTS
+table_ok, field_ok, constraint_ok, index_ok, view_ok, trigger_ok, procedure_ok
+=head1 TODO
+=over 4
+=item Test the tests!
+=item schema_ok()
+Test whole schema.
+=item Test skipping
+As the test subs wrap up lots of tests in one call you can't skip idividual
+tests only whole sets e.g. a whole table or field.
+We could add skip_* items to the test hashes to allow per test skips. e.g.
+ skip_is_primary_key => "Need to fix primary key parsing.",
+=item yaml test specs
+Maybe have the test subs also accept yaml for the test hash ref as its a much
+nicer for writing big data structures. We can then define tests as in input
+schema file and test yaml file to compare it against.
+=head1 BUGS
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Mark D. Addison E<lt>mark.addison@itn.co.ukE<gt>.
+Thanks to Ken Y. Clark for the original table and field test code taken from
+his mysql test.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+perl(1), SQL::Translator, SQL::Translator::Schema, Test::More.