If you are a committer, then you can fetch a copy of the repository that
you can push back on with:
- git clone ssh://perl5.git.perl.org/gitroot/perl.git perl.ssh
+ git clone ssh://perl5.git.perl.org/gitroot/perl.git perl-ssh
-This clones the repository and makes a local copy in the 'perl.ssh'
+This clones the repository and makes a local copy in the 'perl-ssh'
+ If you clone using git, which is faster than ssh, then you will need to
+ modify your config in order to enable pushing. Edit .git/config where
+ you will see something like:
+ [remote "origin"]
+ url = git://perl5.git.perl.org/perl.git
+ change that to something like this:
+ [remote "origin"]
+ url = ssh://perl5.git.perl.org/gitroot/perl.git
+ NOTE: there are symlinks set up so that the /gitroot is actually optional.
Once you have changed into the repository directory, you can inspect it.