sub encode_U
- # UTF-8 encocde long hand - only covers part of perl's range
+ # UTF-8 encode long hand - only covers part of perl's range
my $uv = shift;
if ($uv < 0x80)
foreach my $enc (sort cmp_name @ARGV)
- my ($name) = $enc =~ /^.*?([\w-]+)(\.enc)$/;
+ my ($name,$sfx) = $enc =~ /^.*?([\w-]+)\.(enc|ucm)$/;
if (open(E,$enc))
- compile_enc(\*E,lc($name),\*C);
+ if ($sfx eq 'enc')
+ {
+ compile_enc(\*E,lc($name),\*C);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ compile_ucm(\*E,lc($name),\*C);
+ }
+sub compile_ucm
+ my ($fh,$name,$ch) = @_;
+ my $e2u = {};
+ my $u2e = {};
+ my $cs;
+ my %attr;
+ while (<$fh>)
+ {
+ s/#.*$//;
+ last if /^\s*CHARMAP\s*$/i;
+ if (/^\s*<(\w+)>\s+"?([^"]*)"?\s*$/i)
+ {
+ $attr{$1} = $2;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!defined($cs = $attr{'code_set_name'}))
+ {
+ warn "No <code_set_name> in $name\n";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $name = lc($cs);
+ }
+ my $erep;
+ my $urep;
+ if (exists $attr{'subchar'})
+ {
+ my @byte = $attr{'subchar'} =~ /^\s*(?:\\x([0-9a-f]+))+\s*$/;
+ $erep = join('',map(hex($_),@byte));
+ }
+ warn "Scanning $cs\n";
+ my $nfb = 0;
+ my $hfb = 0;
+ while (<$fh>)
+ {
+ s/#.*$//;
+ last if /^\s*END\s+CHARMAP\s*$/i;
+ next if /^\s*$/;
+ my ($u,@byte) = /^<U([0-9a-f]+)>\s+(?:\\x([0-9a-f]+))+\s*(\|[0-3]|)\s*$/i;
+ my $fb = pop(@byte);
+ if (defined($u))
+ {
+ my $uch = encode_U(hex($u));
+ my $ech = join('',map(hex($_),@byte));
+ if (length($fb))
+ {
+ $fb = substr($fb,1);
+ $hfb++;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $nfb++;
+ $fb = '0';
+ }
+ # $fb is fallback flag
+ # 0 - round trip safe
+ # 1 - fallback for unicode -> enc
+ # 2 - skip sub-char mapping
+ # 3 - fallback enc -> unicode
+ enter($u2e,$uch,$ech,$u2e,$fb+0) if ($fb =~ /[01]/);
+ enter($e2u,$ech,$uch,$e2u,$fb+0) if ($fb =~ /[03]/);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ warn $_;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($nfb && $hfb)
+ {
+ die "$nfb entries without fallback, $hfb entries with\n";
+ }
+ output($ch,$name.'_utf8',$e2u);
+ output($ch,'utf8_'.$name,$u2e);
+ $encoding{$name} = [$e2u->{Cname},$u2e->{Cname},
+ outstring($ch,$e2u->{Cname}.'_def',$erep),length($erep)];
sub compile_enc
my ($fh,$name,$ch) = @_;
if ($val || (!$ch && !$page))
my $uch = encode_U($val);
- enter($e2u,$ech,$uch,$e2u);
- enter($u2e,$uch,$ech,$u2e);
+ enter($e2u,$ech,$uch,$e2u,0);
+ enter($u2e,$uch,$ech,$u2e,0);
sub enter
- my ($a,$s,$d,$t) = @_;
+ my ($a,$s,$d,$t,$fb) = @_;
$t = $a if @_ < 4;
my $b = substr($s,0,1);
my $e = $a->{$b};
unless ($e)
{ # 0 1 2 3 4 5
- $e = [$b,$b,'',{},length($s),0];
+ $e = [$b,$b,'',{},length($s),0,$fb];
$a->{$b} = $e;
if (length($s) > 1)
- enter($e->[3],substr($s,1),$d,$t);
+ enter($e->[3],substr($s,1),$d,$t,$fb);
ord($b) == ord($a->{$l}[1])+1 &&
$a->{$l}[3] == $a->{$b}[3] &&
$a->{$l}[4] == $a->{$b}[4] &&
- $a->{$l}[5] == $a->{$b}[5]
+ $a->{$l}[5] == $a->{$b}[5] &&
+ $a->{$l}[6] == $a->{$b}[6]
# && length($a->{$l}[2]) < 16
print $fh "\nstatic encpage_t $name\[",scalar(@{$a->{'Entries'}}),"] = {\n";
foreach my $b (@{$a->{'Entries'}})
- my ($s,$e,$out,$t,$end,$l) = @{$a->{$b}};
+ my ($s,$e,$out,$t,$end,$l,$fb) = @{$a->{$b}};
my $sc = ord($s);
my $ec = ord($e);
print $fh "{";