use File::Spec;
use PerlIO::via::dynamic;
+our $VERSION = '0.001000'; # 0.1.0
sub require_with_preamble {
my ($arrayref, $filename) = @_;
my (undef, $preamble, @libs) = @$arrayref;
+=head1 NAME
+lib::with::preamble - invent your own default perl setup
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use lib::with::preamble 'use v5.16; use strictures 1;', 'lib';
+The above will load .pm files from lib/ - but they'll act as if your code
+always started with 'use v5.16; use strictures 1;'.
+To use this in a dist, you'll want to create two files -
+ # my/
+ use lib::with::preamble 'use v5.16; use strictures 1;', 'lib';
+ 1;
+ # my/filter
+ print "use v5.16;\nuse strictures 1;\n#line 1\n";
+ while (<STDIN>) { print }
+and then tell your Makefile.PL to use the filter -
+ WriteMakefile(
+ ...
+ PM_FILTER => 'perl my/filter'
+ );
+Then during development instead of doing
+ $ perl -Ilib bin/script-to-test
+you'll want to do -
+ $ perl -Mmy::lib bin/script-to-test
+and for prove -
+ $ PERL5OPT=-Mmy::lib prove t/some-test.t
+but once you run
+ $ make
+your blib/ will get populated with files that already have your
+preamble added, so
+ $ prove -b t/some-test.t
+will just work, as will
+ $ make test
+and when your users install your module, the .pm files will already have
+the preamble at the top, so your installed files will look like
+ # My/
+ use v5.16;
+ use strictures 1;
+ # line 1
+ package My::Foo;
+ ...
+and everything should work, without you even needing to add this module
+as a dependency.
+Patches to document an equivalent for those of you using L<Dist::Zilla>
+(and L<Module::Build>, even if I don't like the bedamned thing) would be
+very welcome.
+=head1 WARNING
+This is as much a proof of concept as anything else at this point, so the
+interface is NOT guaranteed to be stable. Especially since this is meant
+to be a sort of implicit sugar, and history has proven that other people
+are much better at designing APIs to sugar than I am.
+But provided you're using it the way I describe above, the my/filter script
+isn't dependent on anything, so your users will be insulated from that.
+So please do have a play around and see if it works for you.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+mst - Matt S. Trout (cpan:MSTROUT) <>
+None yet. Well volunteered? :)
+Copyright (c) 2013 the lib::with::preamble L</AUTHOR> and L</CONTRIBUTORS>
+as listed above.
+=head1 LICENSE
+This library is free software and may be distributed under the same terms
+as perl itself.