# Footer
$create .= "\n)";
- $create .= generate_table_options($table) || '';
+ $create .= generate_table_options($table, $options) || '';
# $create .= ";\n\n";
return $drop ? ($drop,$create) : $create;
sub generate_table_options
- my ($table) = @_;
+ my ($table, $options) = @_;
my $create;
my $table_type_defined = 0;
+ my $qf = $options->{quote_field_names} ||= '';
my $charset = $table->extra('mysql_charset');
my $collate = $table->extra('mysql_collate');
+ my $union = undef;
for my $t1_option_ref ( $table->options ) {
my($key, $value) = %{$t1_option_ref};
$table_type_defined = 1
} elsif (uc $key eq 'COLLATE') {
$collate = $value;
+ } elsif (uc $key eq 'UNION') {
+ $union = "($qf". join("$qf, $qf", @$value) ."$qf)";
+ next;
$create .= " $key=$value";
$create .= " DEFAULT CHARACTER SET $charset" if $charset;
$create .= " COLLATE $collate" if $collate;
+ $create .= " UNION=$union" if $union;
$create .= qq[ comment='$comments'] if $comments;
return $create;
my $qt = $options->{quote_table_names} || '';
- my $table_options = generate_table_options($to_table) || '';
+ my $table_options = generate_table_options($to_table, $options) || '';
my $out = sprintf('ALTER TABLE %s%s',
$qt . $to_table->name . $qt,
use Test::SQL::Translator qw(maybe_plan);
- maybe_plan(244, "SQL::Translator::Parser::MySQL");
+ maybe_plan(265, "SQL::Translator::Parser::MySQL");
eval { SQL::Translator::Utils::parse_mysql_version ('bogus5.1') };
ok ($@, 'Exception thrown on invalid version string');
+ my $tr = SQL::Translator->new;
+ my $data = q|create table merge_example (
+ id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
+ shape_field geometry NOT NULL,
+ SPATIAL KEY shape_field (shape_field)
+ ) ENGINE=MRG_MyISAM UNION=(`sometable_0`,`sometable_1`,`sometable_2`);|;
+ my $val = parse($tr, $data);
+ my $schema = $tr->schema;
+ is( $schema->is_valid, 1, 'Schema is valid' );
+ my @tables = $schema->get_tables;
+ is( scalar @tables, 1, 'Right number of tables (1)' );
+ my $table = shift @tables;
+ is( $table->name, 'merge_example', 'Found "merge_example" table' );
+ my $tableTypeFound = 0;
+ my $unionFound = 0;
+ for my $t_option_ref ( $table->options ) {
+ my($key, $value) = %{$t_option_ref};
+ if ( $key eq 'ENGINE' ) {
+ is($value, 'MRG_MyISAM', 'Table has right table engine option' );
+ $tableTypeFound = 1;
+ } elsif ( $key eq 'UNION' ) {
+ is_deeply($value, [ 'sometable_0','sometable_1','sometable_2' ],
+ "UNION option has correct set");
+ $unionFound = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ fail('Table did not have a type option') unless $tableTypeFound;
+ fail('Table did not have a union option') unless $unionFound;
+ my @fields = $table->get_fields;
+ is( scalar @fields, 2, 'Right number of fields (2)' );
+ my $f1 = shift @fields;
+ my $f2 = shift @fields;
+ is( $f1->name, 'id', 'First field name is "id"' );
+ is( $f1->data_type, 'int', 'Type is "int"' );
+ is( $f1->size, 11, 'Size is "11"' );
+ is( $f1->is_nullable, 0, 'Field cannot be null' );
+ is( $f1->is_primary_key, 1, 'Field is PK' );
+ is( $f2->name, 'shape_field', 'Second field name is "shape_field"' );
+ is( $f2->data_type, 'geometry', 'Type is "geometry"' );
+ is( $f2->is_nullable, 0, 'Field cannot be null' );
+ is( $f2->is_primary_key, 0, 'Field is not PK' );
+ my @indices = $table->get_indices;
+ is( scalar @indices, 1, 'Right number of indices (1)' );
+ my $i1 = shift @indices;
+ is( $i1->name, 'shape_field', 'No name on index' );
+ is( $i1->type, SPATIAL, 'Spatial index' );
+ my @constraints = $table->get_constraints;
+ is( scalar @constraints, 1, 'Right number of constraints (1)' );
+ my $c = shift @constraints;
+ is( $c->type, PRIMARY_KEY, 'Constraint is a PK' );
+ is( join(',', $c->fields), 'id', 'Constraint is on "id"' );