Once you're doing this, you should almost certainly look at the
-L<MooseX::Types> extension which allows easy declaration of type libraries
-and can export your types as perl constants so that you can refer to them
-as just
+L<MooseX::Types> module. This module makes it easy to create a "type library"
+module, which can export your types as perl constants.
has 'counter' => (is => 'rw', isa => PositiveInt);
-rather than needing to fully qualify them everywhere. It also allows
+This lets you use a short name rather than needing to fully qualify the name
+everywhere. It also allows you to write easily create parameterized types:
has 'counts' => (is => 'ro', isa => HashRef[PositiveInt]);
-and similarly for the union and other syntax discussed below, which
-will compile time check your use of names and is generally more robust
-than the string type parsing for complex cases.
+This module will check your names at compile time, and is generally more
+robust than the string type parsing for complex cases.