use vars qw/ @EXPORT_OK $VERSION /;
@EXPORT_OK = qw/ run_analysis group_variants analyze_variant_location wit_stringify /;
-$VERSION = "1.2";
+$VERSION = "1.3";
-my $SOLVER_URL = '';
my $unsolved_problems = {};
=head1 NAME
$collapse->insert( $opts{'merge_types'} );
- # Make sure we have a lookup DB for graph calculation results; this will die
- # if calcdir or calcdsn isn't passed.
+ # If we have specified a local lookup DB for graph calculation results,
+ # make sure it exists and connect to it.
my $dir;
- if( exists $opts{'calcdir'} ) {
- $dir = delete $opts{'calcdir'}
- } elsif ( exists $opts{'calcdsn'} ) {
+ if ( exists $opts{'calcdsn'} ) {
eval { require Text::Tradition::Directory };
if( $@ ) {
throw( "Could not instantiate a directory for " . $opts{'calcdsn'}
. ": $@" );
- $dir = Text::Tradition::Directory->new( dsn => $opts{'calcdsn'} );
+ $opts{'dir'} = Text::Tradition::Directory->new( dsn => $opts{'calcdsn'} );
+ } elsif( !exists $opts{'solver_url'} ) {
+ $opts{'solver_url'} = $DEFAULT_SOLVER_URL;
# Get the stemma
# Run the solver
my $answer;
try {
- $answer = solve_variants( $dir, @groups );
+ $answer = solve_variants( \%opts, @groups );
} catch ( Text::Tradition::Error $e ) {
if( $e->message =~ /IDP/ ) {
# Something is wrong with the solver; make the variants table anyway
sub solve_variants {
- my( @groups ) = @_;
+ my( $opts, @groups ) = @_;
- # Are we using a local result directory, or did we pass an empty value
- # for the directory?
- my $dir;
- unless( ref( $groups[0] ) eq 'HASH' ) {
- $dir = shift @groups;
- }
+ # Are we using a local result directory?
+ my $dir = $opts->{dir};
## For each graph/group combo, make a Text::Tradition::Analysis::Result
## object so that we can send it off for IDP lookup.
my $scope = $dir->new_scope;
map { $results{$_} = $dir->lookup( $_ ) || $problems{$_} } keys %problems;
} else {
+ # print STDERR "Using solver at " . $opts->{solver_url} . "\n";
my $json = JSON->new->allow_blessed->convert_blessed->utf8->encode(
[ values %problems ] );
# Send it off and get the result
# print STDERR "Sending request: " . decode_utf8( $json ) . "\n";
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new();
- my $resp = $ua->post( $SOLVER_URL, 'Content-Type' => 'application/json',
+ my $resp = $ua->post( $opts->{solver_url}, 'Content-Type' => 'application/json',
'Content' => $json );
my $answer;
if( $resp->is_success ) {
--- /dev/null
+package Text::Tradition::Analysis::IDPUtil;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use feature 'say';
+use Exporter 'import';
+use vars qw/ @EXPORT_OK /;
+use Data::Validate::IP qw/ is_ipv4 is_ipv6 /;
+use IPC::Run qw/ run /;
+@EXPORT_OK = qw/ read_config connect_db connect_db_create reset_db /;
+=head1 NAME
+Text::Tradition::IDPUtil - common utilities for talking to the IDP solver
+and results database
+This package contains a set of utilities for handling IDP calculations on
+the stemma graph properties, and their storage in a database.
+=head2 read_config
+Read the machine configuration file to find out how to talk to our database
+and our Gearman instance. Returns a hash of untainted variables.
+sub read_config {
+ ### Configurable variables
+ my %opts = (
+ DBTYPE => 'mysql',
+ DBHOST => '',
+ DBPORT => '3306',
+ DBNAME => 'idpresult',
+ DSN => undef,
+ DBUSER => undef,
+ DBPASS => undef,
+ );
+ if( -f "/etc/graphcalc.conf" ) {
+ # Read the variables in from here.
+ open( GCCONF, "/etc/graphcalc.conf" )
+ or die "Could not open configuration file /etc/graphcalc.conf";
+ while(<GCCONF>) {
+ chomp;
+ s/^\s+//;
+ my( $name, $val ) = split( /\s*\=\s*/, $_ );
+ if( $name eq 'GEARMAN_SERVER' ) {
+ # Minimally validate and untaint the value.
+ my( $gsip, $gsport ) = split( /:/, $val );
+ my $ipv = Data::Validate::IP->new();
+ my $ugsip = $ipv->is_ipv4( $gsip );
+ unless( $ugsip ) {
+ $ugsip = $ipv->is_ipv6( $gsip );
+ }
+ if( $ugsip && $gsport =~ /^(\d+)$/ ) {
+ $opts{$name} = "$ugsip:$1";
+ }
+ } elsif( exists $opts{$name} ) {
+ $opts{$name} = $val;
+ }
+ }
+ close GCCONF;
+ }
+ unless( $opts{DSN} ) {
+ $opts{DSN} = sprintf( "dbi:%s:dbname=%s;host=%s;port=%s",
+ $opts{DBTYPE}, $opts{DBNAME}, $opts{DBHOST}, $opts{DBPORT} );
+ }
+ return %opts;
+=head2 connect_db( %config )
+=head2 connect_db_create( %config )
+Given a configuration has as obtained from read_config, return a connection to
+the appropriate KiokuDB store. If the _create variant is called, the DB tables
+are created if they don't yet exist.
+sub connect_db {
+ my $db = Text::Tradition::Directory->new( _get_db_connect_opts( @_ ) );
+ return $db;
+sub connect_db_create {
+ my %connopts = _get_db_connect_opts( @_ );
+ $connopts{extra_args}->{create} = 1;
+ my $db = Text::Tradition::Directory->new( %connopts );
+ return $db;
+sub _get_db_connect_opts {
+ my %opts = @_;
+ my %dbconnopts = ( dsn => $opts{DSN} );
+ if( exists $opts{DBUSER} ) {
+ $dbconnopts{extra_args}->{user} = $opts{DBUSER};
+ }
+ if( exists $opts{DBPASS} ) {
+ $dbconnopts{extra_args}->{password} = $opts{DBPASS};
+ }
+ return %dbconnopts;
+=head2 $status = reset_db( %config ) {
+Attempts to wipe the relevant database. Currently this can be done for SQLite
+and MySQL. If the returned $status is not "OK", something went wrong.
+sub reset_db {
+ my %opts = @_;
+ my $status = "OK";
+ if( $opts{DBTYPE} eq 'mysql' ) {
+ say 'Dropping tables in ' . $opts{DBNAME};
+ my @connectargs = ( '-h', $opts{DBHOST}, '-P', $opts{DBPORT}, '-u'.$opts{DBUSER},
+ '-p'.$opts{DBPASS}, $opts{DBNAME} );
+ my( $ret, $err );
+ my @dump = ( 'mysqldump', '--add-drop-table', '--no-data', @connectargs );
+ my @grep = ( 'grep', '^DROP' );
+ my @sort = ( 'sort', '-r' );
+ my @drop = ( 'mysql', @connectargs );
+ run( \@dump, '|', \@grep, '|', \@sort, '|', \@drop, '>' ,\$ret, '2>', \$err )
+ or $status = "Drop command returned $?:\n$err";
+ } elsif( $opts{DBTYPE} eq 'SQLite' ) {
+ say "Dropping SQLite database " . $opts{DBNAME};
+ unlink( $opts{DBNAME} ) or $status = "Could not unlink SQLite file!";
+ } else {
+ $status = "Cannot currently reset DBs of type " . $opts{DBTYPE};
+ }
+ return $status;
\ No newline at end of file