# (This may all depend on local configurations too.)
# Recompute verbose with -Wl,-v to find GNU ld if present
- verbose=`${cc:-cc} -v -Wl,-v -o try try.c 2>&1 | grep ld 2>&1`
+ verbose=`${cc:-cc} -Wl,-v -o try try.c 2>&1 | grep /ld 2>&1`
- myld=`echo $verbose| grep ld | awk '/\/ld/ {print $1}'`
+ myld=`echo $verbose | awk '/\/ld/ {print $1}'`
# This assumes that gcc's output will not change, and that
# /full/path/to/ld will be the first word of the output.
# Thus myld is something like /opt/gnu/sparc-sun-solaris2.5/bin/ld