--- /dev/null
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More;
+ eval "use Encode";
+ plan skip_all => "Encode is required for this test" if $@;
+ # NOTE:
+ # this is because JSON::XS is
+ # the only one which really gets
+ # utf8 correct
+ # - SL
+ $ENV{JSON_ANY_CONFIG} = "utf8=1";
+ }
+ plan tests => 16;
+ use_ok('MooseX::Storage');
+ package Foo;
+ use Moose;
+ use MooseX::Storage;
+ with Storage( 'format' => 'JSON' );
+ has 'utf8_string' => (
+ is => 'rw',
+ isa => 'Str',
+ default => sub { "ネットスーパー (Internet Shopping)" }
+ );
+ my $foo = Foo->new;
+ isa_ok( $foo, 'Foo' );
+ my $json = $foo->freeze;
+ is($json,
+ '{"__CLASS__":"Foo","utf8_string":"ネットスーパー (Internet Shopping)"}',
+ '... got the right JSON');
+ my $foo2 = Foo->thaw($json);
+ isa_ok( $foo, 'Foo' );
+ is($foo2->utf8_string,
+ "ネットスーパー (Internet Shopping)",
+ '... got the string we expected');
+ is($foo2->freeze,
+ '{"__CLASS__":"Foo","utf8_string":"ネットスーパー (Internet Shopping)"}',
+ '... got the right JSON');
+ my $test_string;
+ {
+ use utf8;
+ $test_string = "ネットスーパー (Internet Shopping)";
+ no utf8;
+ }
+ ok(utf8::is_utf8($test_string), '... got a utf8 string');
+ ok(utf8::valid($test_string), '... got a valid utf8 string');
+ Encode::_utf8_off($test_string);
+ ok(!utf8::is_utf8($test_string), '... no longer is utf8 string');
+ ok(utf8::valid($test_string), '... got a valid utf8 string');
+ my $foo = Foo->new(
+ utf8_string => $test_string
+ );
+ isa_ok( $foo, 'Foo' );
+ ok(!utf8::is_utf8($foo->utf8_string), '... not a utf8 string');
+ ok(utf8::valid($foo->utf8_string), '... but is a valid utf8 string');
+ my $json = $foo->freeze;
+ ok(utf8::is_utf8($json), '... is a utf8 string now');
+ ok(utf8::valid($json), '... got a valid utf8 string');
+ is($json,
+ '{"__CLASS__":"Foo","utf8_string":"ネットスーパー (Internet Shopping)"}',
+ '... got the right JSON');