use strictures 1;
use Test::More;
+use FindBin;
use System::Introspector::Probe::Users;
-my $probe = System::Introspector::Probe::Users->new;
-my $data = $probe->gather;
+my $passwd_file = "$FindBin::Bin/test-passwd";
+my $home = "$FindBin::Bin/data/home-testfoo";
+my $nohome = "$FindBin::Bin/data/home-doesnotexist";
-ok((my $user = $data->{users}{ +getlogin }), 'found own user');
-ok(defined($user->{ $_ }), "$_ is defined")
- for qw( comment crontab gid groups home shell ssh uid username );
-ok(not(exists $user->{crontab}{error}), 'no crontab error');
-is($user->{ssh}{keys}{error}, undef, 'no ssh keys error');
+open my $passwd_fh, '>', $passwd_file
+ or die "Unable to write $passwd_file: $!\n";
+printf $passwd_fh "%s\n", join ':', @$_
+ for [qw( testfoo x 23 42 comment ), $home, '/bin/false'],
+ [qw( testbar x 24 43 comment ), $nohome, '/bin/false'];
+close $passwd_fh;
+local $ENV{PATH} = join ':',
+ "$FindBin::Bin/bin",
+my $probe = System::Introspector::Probe::Users->new(
+ passwd_file => $passwd_file,
+my $data = $probe->gather;
+do {
+ my $user = $data->{users}{testfoo};
+ ok $user, 'found first user';
+ my $keys = $user->{ssh}{keys};
+ ok $keys, 'found ssh keys structure';
+ is_deeply $keys, {
+ files => {
+ '' => {
+ file_name => "$home/.ssh/",
+ body => "pubkey\n",
+ },
+ },
+ authorized => {
+ file_name => "$home/.ssh/authorized_keys",
+ body => "keyA\nkeyB\n",
+ },
+ }, 'ssh key data';
+ is_deeply $user->{groups}, {
+ list => [qw( testfoo_group_A testfoo_group_B testfoo_group_C )],
+ }, 'groups list';
+ my $tab = $user->{crontab};
+ ok $tab, 'got crontab results';
+ like $tab->{body}, qr{-u\s*testfoo}, 'crontab called with user option';
+ like $tab->{body}, qr{-l}, 'crontab asked for list';
+do {
+ my $user = $data->{users}{testbar};
+ ok $user, 'found second user';
+ my $keys = $user->{ssh}{keys};
+ ok $keys, 'found ssh keys structure';
+ is_deeply $keys, {
+ files => {},
+ authorized => {
+ file_name => "$nohome/.ssh/authorized_keys",
+ body => '',
+ },
+ }, 'ssh key data';
+#ok((my $user = $data->{users}{ +getlogin }), 'found own user');
+#ok(defined($user->{ $_ }), "$_ is defined")
+# for qw( comment crontab gid groups home shell ssh uid username );
+#ok(not(exists $user->{crontab}{error}), 'no crontab error');
+#is($user->{ssh}{keys}{error}, undef, 'no ssh keys error');
+unlink $passwd_file;