stmt => 'INSERT INTO test (a, b, c, d, e) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)',
stmt_q => 'INSERT INTO `test` (`a`, `b`, `c`, `d`, `e`) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)',
bind => [qw/1 2 3 4/, { answer => 42}],
- warning_like => qr/HASH ref as bind value in insert is not supported/i,
+ warns => qr/HASH ref as bind value in insert is not supported/i,
func => 'update',
func => 'insert',
new => {bindtype => 'columns'},
args => ['test', {a => 1, b => \["to_date(?, 'MM/DD/YY')", '02/02/02']}],
- exception_like => qr/bindtype 'columns' selected, you need to pass: \[column_name => bind_value\]/,
+ throws => qr/bindtype 'columns' selected, you need to pass: \[column_name => bind_value\]/,
func => 'update',
new => {bindtype => 'columns'},
args => ['test', {a => 1, b => \["to_date(?, 'MM/DD/YY')", '02/02/02']}, {a => {'between', [1,2]}}],
- exception_like => qr/bindtype 'columns' selected, you need to pass: \[column_name => bind_value\]/,
+ throws => qr/bindtype 'columns' selected, you need to pass: \[column_name => bind_value\]/,
func => 'select',
new => {bindtype => 'columns'},
args => ['test', '*', { a => \["= to_date(?, 'MM/DD/YY')", '02/02/02']}],
- exception_like => qr/bindtype 'columns' selected, you need to pass: \[column_name => bind_value\]/,
+ throws => qr/bindtype 'columns' selected, you need to pass: \[column_name => bind_value\]/,
func => 'select',
new => {bindtype => 'columns'},
args => ['test', '*', { a => {'<' => \["to_date(?, 'MM/DD/YY')", '02/02/02']}, b => 8 }],
- exception_like => qr/bindtype 'columns' selected, you need to pass: \[column_name => bind_value\]/,
+ throws => qr/bindtype 'columns' selected, you need to pass: \[column_name => bind_value\]/,
func => 'select',
func => 'select',
new => {bindtype => 'columns'},
args => ['test', '*', { a => {-in => \["(SELECT d FROM to_date(?, 'MM/DD/YY') AS d)", '02/02/02']}, b => 8 }],
- exception_like => qr/bindtype 'columns' selected, you need to pass: \[column_name => bind_value\]/,
+ throws => qr/bindtype 'columns' selected, you need to pass: \[column_name => bind_value\]/,
func => 'insert',
bind => [],
- exception_like => qr/
+ throws => qr/
\QSQL::Abstract before v1.75 used to generate incorrect SQL \E
\Qwhen the -IN operator was given an undef-containing list: \E
\Q!!!AUDIT YOUR CODE AND DATA!!! (the upcoming Data::Query-based \E
bind => [ 42, 42 ],
- exception_like => qr/
+ throws => qr/
\QSQL::Abstract before v1.75 used to generate incorrect SQL \E
\Qwhen the -IN operator was given an undef-containing list: \E
\Q!!!AUDIT YOUR CODE AND DATA!!! (the upcoming Data::Query-based \E
func => 'select',
args => ['test', '*', { a => { -in => undef } }],
- exception_like => qr/Argument passed to the 'IN' operator can not be undefined/,
+ throws => qr/Argument passed to the 'IN' operator can not be undefined/,
($stmt, @bind) = $maker->$op (@ { $t->{args} } );
- if ($t->{exception_like}) {
+ if (my $e = $t->{throws}) {
sub { $cref->() },
- $t->{exception_like},
- "throws the expected exception ($t->{exception_like})"
+ $e,
+ );
+ }
+ else {
+ warnings_exist(
+ sub { $cref->() },
+ $t->{warns} || [],
- } else {
- if ($t->{warning_like}) {
- warning_like(
- sub { $cref->() },
- $t->{warning_like},
- "issues the expected warning ($t->{warning_like})"
- );
- }
- else {
- $cref->();
- }
use warnings;
use Test::More;
use Test::Exception;
+use Test::Warn;
use SQL::Abstract::Test import => [qw(is_same_sql_bind diag_where)];
use SQL::Abstract;
local $TODO = $case->{todo} if $case->{todo};
- my @w;
- local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { push @w, @_ };
my $sql = SQL::Abstract->new ($case->{args} || {});
my $where_copy = dclone($case->{where});
- lives_ok (sub {
+ warnings_are {
my ($stmt, @bind) = $sql->where($case->{where});
) || diag_where( $case->{where} );
- });
- is (@w, 0, 'No warnings within and-or tests')
- || diag join "\n", 'Emitted warnings:', @w;
+ } [], 'No warnings within and-or tests';
is_deeply ($case->{where}, $where_copy, 'Where conditions unchanged');
-my $w_str = "\QUse of [and|or|nest]_N modifiers is deprecated and will be removed in SQLA v2.0\E";
for my $case (@numbered_mods) {
local $TODO = $case->{todo} if $case->{todo};
+ # not using Test::Warn here - variable amount of warnings
my @w;
local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { push @w, @_ };
my $sql = SQL::Abstract->new ($case->{args} || {});
- lives_ok (sub {
+ {
my ($old_s, @old_b) = $sql->where($case->{backcompat});
my ($new_s, @new_b) = $sql->where($case->{correct});
backcompat => $case->{backcompat},
correct => $case->{correct},
- });
- ok (@w, 'Warnings were emitted about a mod_N construct');
- my @non_match;
- for (@w) {
- push @non_match, $_ if ($_ !~ /$w_str/);
- }
+ };
- is (@non_match, 0, 'All warnings match the deprecation message')
- || diag join "\n", 'Rogue warnings:', @non_match;
+ ok ( (grep
+ { $_ =~ qr/\QUse of [and|or|nest]_N modifiers is deprecated and will be removed in SQLA v2.0/ }
+ @w
+ ), 'Warnings were emitted about a mod_N construct');
use strict;
use warnings;
use Test::More;
+use Test::Warn;
use Test::Exception;
use SQL::Abstract::Test import => [qw(is_same_sql_bind diag_where)];
( map { {
where => { x => { -between => $_ } },
test => 'invalid -between args',
- exception => qr|Operator 'BETWEEN' requires either an arrayref with two defined values or expressions, or a single literal scalarref/arrayref-ref|,
+ throws => qr|Operator 'BETWEEN' requires either an arrayref with two defined values or expressions, or a single literal scalarref/arrayref-ref|,
} } (
[ 1, 2, 3 ],
[ 1, undef, 3 ],
test => '-in with an array of function array refs with args',
- exception => qr/
+ throws => qr/
\QSQL::Abstract before v1.75 used to generate incorrect SQL \E
\Qwhen the -IN operator was given an undef-containing list: \E
\Q!!!AUDIT YOUR CODE AND DATA!!! (the upcoming Data::Query-based \E
test => '-in with undef as an element',
- exception => qr/
+ throws => qr/
\QSQL::Abstract before v1.75 used to generate incorrect SQL \E
\Qwhen the -IN operator was given an undef-containing list: \E
\Q!!!AUDIT YOUR CODE AND DATA!!! (the upcoming Data::Query-based \E
local $TODO = $case->{todo} if $case->{todo};
local $SQL::Abstract::Test::parenthesis_significant = $case->{parenthesis_significant};
- my @w;
- local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { push @w, @_ };
my $sql = SQL::Abstract->new ($case->{args} || {});
- if ($case->{exception}) {
- throws_ok { $sql->where($case->{where}) } $case->{exception};
+ if (my $e = $case->{throws}) {
+ throws_ok { $sql->where($case->{where}) } $e;
else {
- my ($stmt, @bind) = $sql->where($case->{where});
+ my ($stmt, @bind);
+ warnings_are {
+ ($stmt, @bind) = $sql->where($case->{where});
+ } [], 'No warnings within in-between tests';
) || diag_where ( $case->{where} );
- is (@w, 0, $case->{test} || 'No warnings within in-between tests')
- || diag join "\n", 'Emitted warnings:', @w;