0.72_52 2011-05-09 nicholas
* Use a table for SV body sizes. These incorporate the space saving post 5.8.x
+ * Correctly handle SvOOK scalars. 5.12 and later don't use SvIVX().
0.75_51 2011-05-05 nicholas
* Only use a static array of vtables on gcc.
#ifndef SvRV_const
# define SvRV_const(rv) SvRV(rv)
+#ifndef SvOOK_offset
+# define SvOOK_offset(sv, len) STMT_START { len = SvIVX(sv); } STMT_END
#ifdef _MSC_VER
/* "structured exception" handling is a Microsoft extension to C and C++.
st->total_size += SvLEN(thing);
if(SvOOK(thing)) {
- st->total_size += SvIVX(thing);
+ STRLEN len;
+ SvOOK_offset(thing, len);
+ st->total_size += len;
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-use Test::More tests => 16;
+use Test::More tests => 19;
use strict;
use Devel::Size qw(size total_size);
use Scalar::Util qw(weaken);
is($size, 0,
"PL_sv_$name is interpeter wide, so not counted as part of the structure's size");
+ # SvOOK stuff
+ my $uurk = "Perl Rules";
+ # This may upgrade the scalar:
+ $uurk =~ s/Perl//;
+ $uurk =~ s/^/Perl/;
+ my $before_size = total_size($uurk);
+ my $before_length = length $uurk;
+ cmp_ok($before_size, '>', $before_length, 'Size before is sane');
+ $uurk =~ s/Perl //;
+ is(total_size($uurk), $before_size,
+ "Size doesn't change because OOK is used");
+ cmp_ok(length $uurk, '<', $before_size, 'but string is shorter');