--- /dev/null
+package Class::C3;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+our $VERSION = '0.01';
+use Scalar::Util 'blessed';
+my %MRO;
+sub import {
+ my $class = caller();
+ return if $class eq 'main';
+ $MRO{$class} = undef;
+ no strict 'refs';
+ foreach my $class (keys %MRO) {
+ my @MRO = calculateMRO($class);
+ $MRO{$class} = { MRO => \@MRO };
+ my %methods;
+ foreach my $local (@MRO[1 .. $#MRO]) {
+ foreach my $method (grep { defined &{"${local}::$_"} } keys %{"${local}::"}) {
+ next unless !defined *{"${class}::$method"}{CODE};
+ if (!exists $methods{$method}) {
+ $methods{$method} = {
+ orig => "${local}::$method",
+ code => \&{"${local}::$method"}
+ };
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $MRO{$class}->{methods} = \%methods;
+ }
+ #use Data::Dumper; warn Dumper \%MRO;
+ foreach my $class (keys %MRO) {
+ #warn "installing methods (" . (join ", " => keys %{$MRO{$class}->{methods}}) . ") for $class";
+ foreach my $method (keys %{$MRO{$class}->{methods}}) {
+ #warn "Installing ${class}::$method using " . $MRO{$class}->{methods}->{$method}->{orig};
+ *{"${class}::$method"} = $MRO{$class}->{methods}->{$method}->{code};
+ }
+ }
+sub _merge {
+ my (@seqs) = @_;
+ my @res;
+ while (1) {
+ # remove all empty seqences
+ my @nonemptyseqs = (map { (@{$_} ? $_ : ()) } @seqs);
+ # return the list if we have no more no-empty sequences
+ return @res if not @nonemptyseqs;
+ my $cand; # a canidate ..
+ foreach my $seq (@nonemptyseqs) {
+ $cand = $seq->[0]; # get the head of the list
+ my $nothead;
+ foreach my $sub_seq (@nonemptyseqs) {
+ # XXX - this is instead of the python "in"
+ my %in_tail = (map { $_ => 1 } @{$sub_seq}[ 1 .. $#{$sub_seq} ]);
+ # NOTE:
+ # jump out as soon as we find one matching
+ # there is no reason not too. However, if
+ # we find one, then just remove the '&& last'
+ $nothead++ && last if exists $in_tail{$cand};
+ }
+ last unless $nothead; # leave the loop with our canidate ...
+ $cand = undef; # otherwise, reject it ...
+ }
+ die "Inconsistent hierarchy" if not $cand;
+ push @res => $cand;
+ # now loop through our non-empties and pop
+ # off the head if it matches our canidate
+ foreach my $seq (@nonemptyseqs) {
+ shift @{$seq} if $seq->[0] eq $cand;
+ }
+ }
+sub calculateMRO {
+ my ($class) = @_;
+ no strict 'refs';
+ return _merge(
+ [ $class ], # the class we are linearizing
+ (map { [ calculateMRO($_) ] } @{"${class}::ISA"}), # the MRO of all the superclasses
+ [ @{"${class}::ISA"} ] # a list of all the superclasses
+ );
+=head1 NAME
+Class::C3 - A pragma to use the C3 method resolution order algortihm
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ package A;
+ use Class::C3;
+ sub hello { 'A::hello' }
+ package B;
+ use base 'A';
+ use Class::C3;
+ package C;
+ use base 'A';
+ use Class::C3;
+ sub hello { 'C::hello' }
+ package D;
+ use base ('B', 'C');
+ use Class::C3;
+ # Classic Diamond MI pattern
+ # [ A ]
+ # / \
+ # [ B ] [ C ]
+ # \ /
+ # [ D ]
+ package main;
+ print join ', ' => Class::C3::calculateMRO('Diamond_D') # prints D, B, C, A
+ print D->hello() # prints 'C::hello' instead of the standard p5 'A::hello'
+ D->can('hello')->(); # can() also works correctly
+ UNIVERSAL::can('D', 'hello'); # as does UNIVERSAL::can()
+This is currently an experimental pragma to change Perl 5's standard method resolution order
+from depth-first left-to-right (a.k.a - pre-order) to the more sophisticated C3 method resolution
+=head2 What is C3?
+C3 is the name of an algorithm which aims to provide a sane method resolution order under multiple
+inheritence. It was first introduced in the langauge Dylan (see links in the L<SEE ALSO> section),
+and then later adopted as the prefered MRO (Method Resolution Order) for the new-style classes in
+Python 2.3. Most recently it has been adopted as the 'canonical' MRO for Perl 6 classes, and the
+default MRO for Parrot objects as well.
+=head2 How does C3 work.
+C3 works by always preserving local precendence ordering. This essentially means that no class will
+appear before any of it's subclasses. Take the classic diamond inheritence pattern for instance:
+ [ A ]
+ / \
+ [ B ] [ C ]
+ \ /
+ [ D ]
+The standard Perl 5 MRO would be (D, B, A, C). The result being that B<A> appears before B<C>, even
+though B<C> is the subclass of B<A>. The C3 MRO algorithm however, produces the following MRO
+(D, B, C, A), which does not have this same issue.
+This example is fairly trival, for more complex examples and a deeper explaination, see the links in
+the L<SEE ALSO> section.
+=head2 How does this module work?
+This module uses a technique similar to Perl 5's method caching. During the INIT phase, this module
+calculates the MRO of all the classes which called C<use Class::C3>. It then gathers information from
+the symbol tables of each of those classes, and builds a set of method aliases for the correct
+dispatch ordering. Once all these C3-based method tables are created, it then adds the method aliases
+into the local classes symbol table.
+The end result is actually classes with pre-cached method dispatch. However, this caching does not
+do well if you start changing your C<@ISA> or messing with class symbol tables, so you should consider
+your classes to be effectively closed. See the L<CAVEATS> section for more details.
+=over 4
+=item B<calculateMRO ($class)>
+Given a C<$class> this will return an array of class names in the proper C3 method resolution order.
+=head1 CAVEATS
+Let me first say, this is an experimental module, and so it should not be used for anything other
+then other experimentation for the time being.
+That said, it is the authors intention to make this into a completely usable and production stable
+module if possible. Time will tell.
+And now, onto the caveats.
+=over 4
+=item Use of C<SUPER::>.
+The idea of C<SUPER::> under multiple inheritence is ambigious, and generally not recomended anyway.
+However, it's use in conjuntion with this module is very much not recommended, and in fact very
+discouraged. In the future I plan to support a C<NEXT::> style interface to be used to move to the
+next most appropriate method in the MRO.
+=item Changing C<@ISA>.
+It is the author's opinion that changing C<@ISA> at runtime is pure insanity anyway. However, people
+do it, so I must caveat. Any changes to the C<@ISA> will not be reflected in the MRO calculated by this
+module, and therefor probably won't even show up. I am considering some kind of C<recalculateMRO> function
+which can be used to recalculate the MRO on demand at runtime, but that is still off in the future.
+=item Adding/deleting methods from class symbol tables.
+This module calculates the MRO for each requested class during the INIT phase by interogatting the symbol
+tables of said classes. So any symbol table manipulation which takes place after our INIT phase is run will
+not be reflected in the calculated MRO.
+=item Not for use with mod_perl
+Since this module utilizes the INIT phase, it cannot be easily used with mod_perl. If this module works out
+and proves useful in the I<real world>, I will most likely be supporting mod_perl in some way.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+=head2 The original Dylan paper
+=over 4
+=item L<http://www.webcom.com/haahr/dylan/linearization-oopsla96.html>
+=head2 The prototype Perl 6 Object Model uses C3
+=over 4
+=item L<http://svn.openfoundry.org/pugs/perl5/Perl6-MetaModel/>
+=head2 Parrot now uses C3
+=over 4
+=item L<http://aspn.activestate.com/ASPN/Mail/Message/perl6-internals/2746631>
+=item L<http://use.perl.org/~autrijus/journal/25768>
+=head2 Python 2.3 MRO related links
+=over 4
+=item L<http://www.python.org/2.3/mro.html>
+=item L<http://www.python.org/2.2.2/descrintro.html#mro>
+=head2 C3 for TinyCLOS
+=over 4
+=item L<http://www.call-with-current-continuation.org/eggs/c3.html>
+=head1 AUTHOR
+stevan little, E<lt>stevan@iinteractive.comE<gt>
+Copyright 2005 by Infinity Interactive, Inc.
+This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the same terms as Perl itself.
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More tests => 15;
+ use_ok('Class::C3');
+ 6
+ ---
+Level 3 | O | (more general)
+ / --- \
+ / | \ |
+ / | \ |
+ / | \ |
+ --- --- --- |
+Level 2 3 | D | 4| E | | F | 5 |
+ --- --- --- |
+ \ \ _ / | |
+ \ / \ _ | |
+ \ / \ | |
+ --- --- |
+Level 1 1 | B | | C | 2 |
+ --- --- |
+ \ / |
+ \ / \ /
+ ---
+Level 0 0 | A | (more specialized)
+ ---
+ package Test::O;
+ use Class::C3;
+ package Test::F;
+ use Class::C3;
+ use base 'Test::O';
+ package Test::E;
+ use base 'Test::O';
+ use Class::C3;
+ sub C_or_E { 'Test::E' }
+ package Test::D;
+ use Class::C3;
+ use base 'Test::O';
+ sub C_or_D { 'Test::D' }
+ package Test::C;
+ use base ('Test::D', 'Test::F');
+ use Class::C3;
+ sub C_or_D { 'Test::C' }
+ sub C_or_E { 'Test::C' }
+ package Test::B;
+ use Class::C3;
+ use base ('Test::D', 'Test::E');
+ package Test::A;
+ use base ('Test::B', 'Test::C');
+ use Class::C3;
+ [ Class::C3::calculateMRO('Test::F') ],
+ [ qw(Test::F Test::O) ],
+ '... got the right MRO for Test::F');
+ [ Class::C3::calculateMRO('Test::E') ],
+ [ qw(Test::E Test::O) ],
+ '... got the right MRO for Test::E');
+ [ Class::C3::calculateMRO('Test::D') ],
+ [ qw(Test::D Test::O) ],
+ '... got the right MRO for Test::D');
+ [ Class::C3::calculateMRO('Test::C') ],
+ [ qw(Test::C Test::D Test::F Test::O) ],
+ '... got the right MRO for Test::C');
+ [ Class::C3::calculateMRO('Test::B') ],
+ [ qw(Test::B Test::D Test::E Test::O) ],
+ '... got the right MRO for Test::B');
+ [ Class::C3::calculateMRO('Test::A') ],
+ [ qw(Test::A Test::B Test::C Test::D Test::E Test::F Test::O) ],
+ '... got the right MRO for Test::A');
+is(Test::A->C_or_D, 'Test::C', '... got the expected method output');
+is(Test::A->can('C_or_D')->(), 'Test::C', '... can got the expected method output');
+is(Test::B->C_or_D, 'Test::D', '... got the expected method output');
+is(Test::B->can('C_or_D')->(), 'Test::D', '... can got the expected method output');
+is(Test::A->C_or_E, 'Test::C', '... got the expected method output');
+is(Test::A->can('C_or_E')->(), 'Test::C', '... can got the expected method output');
+is(Test::B->C_or_E, 'Test::E', '... got the expected method output');
+is(Test::B->can('C_or_E')->(), 'Test::E', '... can got the expected method output');
\ No newline at end of file