directory is translated to a short name (which means the directory must exist)
and the subdirectories are created.
+=head2 Some bash script magic
+Usually you set up separate local::lib destinations for different projects.
+So either you need to remember to run
+C<< `eval $(perl -Mlocal::lib=~/llib/project)` >>
+each time you start working on project foo, or you add this line to your
+ use local::lib '~/llib/project';
+Instead of doing this, you could load some magic bash script via C<< ~/.bashrc >>:
+ [[ -s $HOME/.local-lib.bash ]] && source $HOME/.local-lib.bash
+Content of C<< $HOME/.local-lib.bash >>:
+ #!/usr/bin/env bash
+ cd() {
+ builtin cd "$@"
+ local cwd ; cwd=$(pwd)
+ unset PERL5LIB
+ if [[ -f "$cwd/.llrc" ]] ; then
+ eval $(perl -Mlocal::lib=`cat $cwd/.llrc`)
+ else
+ if [[ -f "~/.llrc" ]] ; then
+ eval $(perl -Mlocal::lib=`cat ~/.llrc`)
+ else
+ eval $(perl -Mlocal::lib)
+ fi
+ fi
+ }
+So you just drop a C<< .llrc >> into all of your projects folders containing the
+destination of your local::lib directory for the project. You can also create
+the file C<< .llrc >> in your home directory and put a default local::lib
+destination in there.
+See it in action:
+ ~# cat .llrc
+ ~/perl5/locallib/default
+ ~# cat Development/OpenSource/perl-beetle/.llrc
+ ~/perl5/locallib/perl-beetle
+ ~# env | grep PERL5
+ PERL5LIB=/Users/plu/perl5/locallib/default/lib/perl5/darwin-2level:/Users/plu/perl5/locallib/default/lib/perl5
+ ~# cd Development/OpenSource/perl-beetle/
+ ~/Development/OpenSource/perl-beetle# env | grep PERL5
+ PERL5LIB=/Users/plu/perl5/locallib/perl-beetle/lib/perl5/darwin-2level:/Users/plu/perl5/locallib/perl-beetle/lib/perl5
+ ~/Development/OpenSource/perl-beetle# cd
+ ~# env | grep PERL5
+ PERL5LIB=/Users/plu/perl5/locallib/default/lib/perl5/darwin-2level:/Users/plu/perl5/locallib/default/lib/perl5
The version of a Perl package on your machine is not always the version you