my @groups;
my @use_ranks;
my %lacunae;
+ my $moved = {};
foreach my $rank ( @ranks ) {
my $missing = [ @lacunose ];
- my $rankgroup = group_variants( $tradition, $rank, $missing, \@collapse );
+ my $rankgroup = group_variants( $tradition, $rank, $missing, $moved, \@collapse );
+ # Filter out any empty rankgroups
+ # (e.g. from the later rank for a transposition)
+ next unless keys %$rankgroup;
if( $opts{'exclude_type1'} ) {
# Check to see whether this is a "useful" group.
my( $rdgs, $grps ) = _useful_variant( $rankgroup,
foreach my $idx ( 0 .. $#use_ranks ) {
my $location = $answer->{'variants'}->[$idx];
# Add the rank back in
- $location->{'id'} = $use_ranks[$idx];
+ my $rank = $use_ranks[$idx];
+ $location->{'id'} = $rank;
# Note what our lacunae are
my %lmiss;
map { $lmiss{$_} = 1 } @{$lacunae{$use_ranks[$idx]}};
- # Run through the reading groups and add as 'lacunae' any redundant
- # a.c. witnesses (yes, we have to do this before the analysis, thus
- # identical loops before and after. Boo.)
- # TODO Consider making these callbacks to analyze_location
- foreach my $rdghash ( @{$location->{'readings'}} ) {
- my %rwits;
- map { $rwits{$_} = 1 } @{$rdghash->{'group'}};
- foreach my $rw ( keys %rwits ) {
- if( $rw =~ /^(.*)\Q$aclabel\E$/ ) {
- if( exists $rwits{$1} ) {
- $lmiss{$rw} = 1;
- delete $rwits{$rw};
- }
- }
- }
- $rdghash->{'group'} = [ keys %rwits ];
- }
$location->{'missing'} = [ keys %lmiss ];
# Run the extra analysis we need.
- analyze_location( $tradition, $stemma->graph, $location );
+ analyze_location( $tradition, $stemma->graph, $location, \%lmiss );
# Do the final post-analysis tidying up of the data.
foreach my $rdghash ( @{$location->{'readings'}} ) {
if exists $rdghash->{'conflict'} && $rdghash->{'conflict'};
- # Add the reading text back in
+ # Add the reading text back in, setting display value as needed
my $rdg = $c->reading( $rdghash->{'readingid'} );
- $rdghash->{'text'} = $rdg ? $rdg->text : $rdghash->{'readingid'};
+ if( $rdg ) {
+ $rdghash->{'text'} = $rdg->text .
+ ( $rdg->rank == $rank ? '' : ' [' . $rdg->rank . ']' );
+ }
# Remove lacunose witnesses from this reading's list now that the
# analysis is done
my @realgroup;
Groups the variants at the given $rank of the collation, treating any
relationships in @merge_relationship_types as equivalent. $lacunose should
be a reference to an array, to which the sigla of lacunose witnesses at this
-rank will be appended.
+rank will be appended; $transposed should be a reference to a hash, wherein
+the identities of transposed readings and their relatives will be stored.
Returns a hash $group_readings where $rdg is attested by the witnesses listed
in $group_readings->{$rdg}.
# Return group_readings, groups, lacunose
sub group_variants {
- my( $tradition, $rank, $lacunose, $collapse ) = @_;
+ my( $tradition, $rank, $lacunose, $transposed, $collapse ) = @_;
my $c = $tradition->collation;
my $aclabel = $c->ac_label;
# Get the alignment table readings
my %readings_at_rank;
my %is_lacunose; # lookup table for $lacunose
map { $is_lacunose{$_} = 1 } @$lacunose;
- my @gap_wits;
+ my @check_for_gaps;
+ my %moved_wits;
foreach my $tablewit ( @{$c->alignment_table->{'alignment'}} ) {
my $rdg = $tablewit->{'tokens'}->[$rank-1];
my $wit = $tablewit->{'witness'};
# Exclude the witness if it is "lacunose" which if we got here
# means "not in the stemma".
next if $is_lacunose{$wit};
+ # Note if the witness is actually in a lacuna
if( $rdg && $rdg->{'t'}->is_lacuna ) {
_add_to_witlist( $wit, $lacunose, $aclabel );
+ # Otherwise the witness either has a positive reading...
} elsif( $rdg ) {
- $readings_at_rank{$rdg->{'t'}->text} = $rdg->{'t'};
+ # If the reading has been counted elsewhere as a transposition, ignore it.
+ if( $transposed->{$rdg->{'t'}->id} ) {
+ # TODO This doesn't cope with three-way transpositions
+ map { $moved_wits{$_} = 1 } @{$transposed->{$rdg->{'t'}->id}};
+ next;
+ }
+ # Otherwise, record it...
+ $readings_at_rank{$rdg->{'t'}->id} = $rdg->{'t'};
+ # ...and grab any transpositions, and their relations.
+ my @transp = grep { $_->rank != $rank } $rdg->{'t'}->related_readings();
+ foreach my $trdg ( @transp ) {
+ map { $moved_wits{$_} = 1 } $trdg->witnesses;
+ $transposed->{$trdg->id} = [ $rdg->{'t'}->witnesses ];
+ $readings_at_rank{$trdg->id} = $trdg;
+ }
+ # ...or it is empty, ergo a gap.
} else {
- _add_to_witlist( $wit, \@gap_wits, $aclabel );
+ push( @check_for_gaps, $wit );
+ my @gap_wits;
+ map { _add_to_witlist( $_, \@gap_wits, $aclabel )
+ unless $moved_wits{$_} } @check_for_gaps;
+ # TODO check for, and break into a new row, any doubled-up witness readings
+ # after transposition...
# Group the readings, collapsing groups by relationship if needed
my %grouped_readings;
foreach my $rdg ( values %readings_at_rank ) {
## For each distinct graph, send its groups to the solver.
- $DB::single = 1;
my $solver_url = '';
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new();
## Witness map is a HACK to get around limitations in node names from IDP
my $json = encode_json( _safe_wit_strings( $graph, $stemma->collation,
$groupings, $witness_map ) );
# Send it off and get the result
+ #print STDERR "Sending request: $json\n";
my $resp = $ua->post( $solver_url, 'Content-Type' => 'application/json',
'Content' => $json );
my $answer;
sub analyze_location {
- my ( $tradition, $graph, $variant_row ) = @_;
+ my ( $tradition, $graph, $variant_row, $lacunose ) = @_;
+ my $c = $tradition->collation;
# Make a hash of all known node memberships, and make the subgraphs.
my $contig = {};
my $reading_roots = {};
my $subgraph = {};
+ $DB::single = 1 if $variant_row->{id} == 6;
+ # Note which witnesses positively belong to which group
foreach my $rdghash ( @{$variant_row->{'readings'}} ) {
my $rid = $rdghash->{'readingid'};
map { $contig->{$_} = $rid } @{$rdghash->{'group'}};
+ }
+ # Now, armed with that knowledge, make a subgraph for each reading
+ # and note the root(s) of each subgraph.
+ foreach my $rdghash( @{$variant_row->{'readings'}} ) {
+ my $rid = $rdghash->{'readingid'};
+ my %rdgwits;
# Make the subgraph.
my $part = $graph->copy;
- my %these_vertices;
- map { $these_vertices{$_} = 1 } @{$rdghash->{'group'}};
- $part->delete_vertices( grep { !$these_vertices{$_} } $part->vertices );
+ my @todelete = grep { exists $contig->{$_} && $contig->{$_} ne $rid }
+ keys %$contig;
+ $part->delete_vertices( @todelete );
+ _prune_subtree( $part, $lacunose );
$subgraph->{$rid} = $part;
+ # Record the remaining lacunose nodes as part of this group, if
+ # we are dealing with a non-genealogical reading.
+ unless( $variant_row->{'genealogical'} ) {
+ map { $contig->{$_} = $rid } $part->vertices;
+ }
# Get the reading roots.
map { $reading_roots->{$_} = $rid } $part->predecessorless_vertices;
# non-followed/unknown values for each reading. Also figure out the
# reading's evident parent(s).
foreach my $rdghash ( @{$variant_row->{'readings'}} ) {
- # Group string key - TODO do we need this?
- my $gst = wit_stringify( $rdghash->{'group'} );
my $rid = $rdghash->{'readingid'};
# Get the subgraph
my $part = $subgraph->{$rid};
# Start figuring things out.
- my @roots = $part->predecessorless_vertices;
- $rdghash->{'independent_occurrence'} = scalar @roots;
+ my @roots = grep { $reading_roots->{$_} eq $rid } keys %$reading_roots;
+ $rdghash->{'independent_occurrence'} = \@roots;
$rdghash->{'followed'} = scalar( $part->vertices ) - scalar( @roots );
# Find the parent readings, if any, of this reading.
- my %rdgparents;
+ my $rdgparents = {};
foreach my $wit ( @roots ) {
# Look in the main stemma to find this witness's extant or known-reading
# immediate ancestor(s), and look up the reading that each ancestor olds.
foreach my $wparent( @check ) {
my $preading = $contig->{$wparent};
if( $preading ) {
- $rdgparents{$preading} = 1;
+ $rdgparents->{$preading} = 1;
} else {
push( @next, $graph->predecessors( $wparent ) );
@check = @next;
- $rdghash->{'reading_parents'} = [ keys %rdgparents ];
+ foreach my $p ( keys %$rdgparents ) {
+ # Resolve the relationship of the parent to the reading, and
+ # save it in our hash.
+ my $pobj = $c->reading( $p );
+ my $relation;
+ my $prep = $pobj ? $pobj->id . ' (' . $pobj->text . ')' : $p;
+ if( $pobj ) {
+ my $rel = $c->get_relationship( $p, $rdghash->{readingid} );
+ if( $rel ) {
+ $relation = { type => $rel->type };
+ if( $rel->has_annotation ) {
+ $relation->{'annotation'} = $rel->annotation;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $rdgparents->{$p} = { 'label' => $prep, 'relation' => $relation };
+ }
+ $rdghash->{'reading_parents'} = $rdgparents;
# Find the number of times this reading was altered, and the number of
# times we're not sure.
# that implicitly later.
foreach my $root ( @roots ) {
# Prune the tree to get rid of extraneous hypotheticals.
- $root = _prune_subtree( $part, $root, $contig );
+ $root = _prune_subtree_old( $part, $root, $contig );
next unless $root;
# Save this root for our group.
push( @group_roots, $root );
sub _prune_group {
my( $group, $stemma, $graph ) = @_;
- # Get these into a form prune_subtree will recognize. Make a "contighash"
- my $hypohash = {};
- map { $hypohash->{$_} = 1 } @$group;
- # ...with reference values for hypotheticals.
- map { $hypohash->{$_} = [] } $stemma->hypotheticals;
+ my $lacunose = {};
+ map { $lacunose->{$_} = 1 } $stemma->hypotheticals;
+ map { $lacunose->{$_} = 0 } @$group;
# Make our subgraph
my $subgraph = $graph->copy;
- map { $subgraph->delete_vertex( $_ ) unless exists $hypohash->{$_} }
+ map { $subgraph->delete_vertex( $_ ) unless exists $lacunose->{$_} }
# ...and find the root.
- my( $root ) = $subgraph->predecessorless_vertices;
# Now prune and return the remaining vertices.
- _prune_subtree( $subgraph, $root, $hypohash );
+ _prune_subtree( $subgraph, $lacunose );
return $subgraph->vertices;
sub _prune_subtree {
+ my( $tree, $lacunose ) = @_;
+ # Delete lacunose witnesses that have no successors
+ my @orphan_hypotheticals;
+ my $ctr = 0;
+ do {
+ die "Infinite loop on leaves" if $ctr > 100;
+ @orphan_hypotheticals = grep { $lacunose->{$_} }
+ $tree->successorless_vertices;
+ $tree->delete_vertices( @orphan_hypotheticals );
+ $ctr++;
+ } while( @orphan_hypotheticals );
+ # Delete lacunose roots that have a single successor
+ my @redundant_root;
+ $ctr = 0;
+ do {
+ die "Infinite loop on roots" if $ctr > 100;
+ @redundant_root = grep { $lacunose->{$_} && $tree->successors( $_ ) == 1 }
+ $tree->predecessorless_vertices;
+ $tree->delete_vertices( @redundant_root );
+ $ctr++;
+ } while( @redundant_root );
+sub _prune_subtree_old {
my( $tree, $root, $contighash ) = @_;
# First, delete hypothetical leaves / orphans until there are none left.
my @orphan_hypotheticals = grep { ref( $contighash->{$_} ) }