YAML tests now require YAML (which will automatically load YAML::Syck if
available, or the best YAML implementation).
feature 'YAML',
-default => 1,
- 'Best' => '0.1',
+ 'YAML' => '0',
'Test::YAML::Valid' => '0';
feature 'Storable',
# Tests break because tye YAML is invalid...?
# -dcp
-use Best [
- [ qw[YAML::Syck YAML] ],
- [ qw[Load Dump] ]
+use YAML qw(Load Dump);
our $VERSION = '0.23';
our $AUTHORITY = 'cpan:STEVAN';
use Test::More;
+ eval "use YAML";
+ plan skip_all => "YAML is required for this test" if $@;
eval "use Test::YAML::Valid";
plan skip_all => "Test::YAML::Valid is required for this test" if $@;
- eval "use Best [[qw(YAML::Syck YAML)]]";
- plan skip_all => "YAML or YAML::syck and Best are required for this test" if $@;
- plan tests => 12;
+ plan tests => 11;
yaml_string_ok( $yaml, '... we got valid YAML out of it' );
- is(
- $yaml,
- q{---
-__CLASS__: Foo
- - 1
- - 2
- - 3
- - 4
- - 5
- - 6
- - 7
- - 8
- - 9
- - 10
-float: 10.5
- 1: ~
- 10: ~
- 2: ~
- 3: ~
- 4: ~
- 5: ~
- 6: ~
- 7: ~
- 8: ~
- 9: ~
-number: 10
- __CLASS__: Foo
- number: 2
-string: foo
- '... got the same YAML'
- );
plan skip_all => "Test::JSON and Test::YAML::Valid are required for this test" if $@;
eval "use JSON::Any";
plan skip_all => "JSON::Any is required for this test" if $@;
- plan tests => 33;
+ plan tests => 32;
yaml_string_ok( $yaml, '... we got valid YAML out of it' );
- is(
- $yaml,
- q{---
-__CLASS__: Foo
- - 1
- - 2
- - 3
- - 4
- - 5
- - 6
- - 7
- - 8
- - 9
- - 10
-float: 10.5
- 1: ~
- 10: ~
- 2: ~
- 3: ~
- 4: ~
- 5: ~
- 6: ~
- 7: ~
- 8: ~
- 9: ~
-number: 10
- __CLASS__: Foo
- number: 2
-string: foo
- '... got the same YAML'
- );