use strict;
use warnings;
-use Test::More tests => 32;
+use Test::More tests => 39;
use Test::Exception;
ok( !$t->check({ one => 1, two => "foo", three => [] }), "failed" );
ok( !$t->check({ one => 1 }), "failed" );
+ ## Because to throw errors in M:M:Parameterizable needs Moose loaded in
+ ## order to throw errors. In theory the use Moose belongs to that class
+ ## but when I put it there causes all sorts or trouble. In theory this is
+ ## never a real problem since you are likely to use Moose somewhere when you
+ ## are creating type constraints.
+ use Moose ();
+ my $MyArrayRefInt = subtype 'MyArrayRefInt',
+ as 'ArrayRef[Int]';
+ my $BiggerInt = subtype 'BiggerInt',
+ as 'Int',
+ where {$_>10};
+ my $SubOfMyArrayRef = subtype 'SubOfMyArrayRef',
+ as 'MyArrayRefInt[BiggerInt]';
+ ok $MyArrayRefInt->check([1,2,3]), '[1,2,3] is okay';
+ ok ! $MyArrayRefInt->check(["a","b"]), '["a","b"] is not';
+ ok $BiggerInt->check(100), '100 is big enough';
+ ok ! $BiggerInt->check(5), '5 is big enough';
+ ok $SubOfMyArrayRef->check([15,20,25]), '[15,20,25] is a bunch of big ints';
+ ok ! $SubOfMyArrayRef->check([15,5,25]), '[15,5,25] is NOT a bunch of big ints';
+ throws_ok sub {
+ my $SubOfMyArrayRef = subtype 'SubSubOfMyArrayRef',
+ as 'SubOfMyArrayRef[Str]';
+ }, qr/Str is not a subtype of BiggerInt/, 'Failed to parameterize with a bad type parameter';