isa => 'ArrayRef',
+has '_object_hash_modifiers' => (
+ is => 'rw',
+ isa => 'ArrayRef',
+has '_object_key_modifiers' => (
+ is => 'rw',
+ isa => 'ArrayRef',
=head1 VERSION
Version 1.000002
my $self = shift;
my $new = $self->next::method(@_);
- foreach my $key (qw/_row_info was_row id_cols _key_modifiers _hash_modifiers/) {
+ foreach my $key (qw/_row_info was_row id_cols _key_modifiers _hash_modifiers _object_key_modifiers _object_hash_modifiers/) {
alias $new->{$key} = $new->{attrs}{$key};
unless ($new->_hash_modifiers) {
+ unless ($new->_object_key_modifiers) {
+ $new->_object_key_modifiers([]);
+ }
+ unless ($new->_object_hash_modifiers) {
+ $new->_object_hash_modifiers([]);
+ }
unless ($new->id_cols && scalar(@{$new->id_cols})) {
$new->id_cols([sort $new->result_source->primary_columns]);
my @rows;
foreach my $row_rep ($rs->all) {
+ # the custom inflator inflates to a arrayref with two versions of the row in it - hash and obj
my ($row, $row_obj) = @{$row_rep};
if (my $info = $self->row_info_for(id => $self->_mk_id(row => $row))) {
$row->{$key} = $val;
+ foreach my $params (@{$rs->_object_key_modifiers}) {
+ my $modifier = $params->{modifier};
+ my $key = $params->{key};
+ if (my $val = $modifier->($row, $row_obj)) {
+ $row->{$key} = $val;
+ }
+ }
push(@rows, $row);
return $rs;
+=head2 _with_object_meta_key
+=over 4
+=item Arguments: key_name => subref($row_hash, $row_obj)
+=item Return Value: ResultSet
+ $self->_with_object_meta_key( substr => sub {
+ my ($row_hash, $row_obj) = @_;
+ return substr($row_obj->row_method, 0, 3);
+ });
+The same as L</_with_meta_key> but the subref gets the row object
+as well as the row hash. This should only be used when you need to
+access row methods as it's slower to inflate objects.
+method _with_object_meta_key ($key, $modifier) {
+ my $rs = $self->search({});
+ unless ($key) {
+ die '_with_object_meta_key called without key';
+ }
+ unless ($modifier && (ref $modifier eq 'CODE')) {
+ die '_with_object_meta_key called without modifier param';
+ }
+ push( @{$rs->_object_key_modifiers}, { key => $key, modifier => $modifier });
+ return $rs;
=head2 _with_meta_hash
=over 4