sub text :Chained('/') :PathPart('relation') :CaptureArgs(1) {
my( $self, $c, $textid ) = @_;
- $c->stash->{'tradition'} = $c->model('Directory')->tradition( $textid );
+ # If the tradition has more than 500 ranks or so, split it up.
+ my $tradition = $c->model('Directory')->tradition( $textid );
+ my $length = $tradition->collation->end->rank;
+ if( $length > 700 ) {
+ # Segment the tradition in order not to overload the browser.
+ # Split it up into units of 500 ranks, but have each segment show
+ # 550 ranks so that overlap works.
+ my @divs;
+ my $r = 0;
+ while( $r + 50 < $length ) {
+ push( @divs, $r );
+ $r += 500;
+ }
+ $c->stash->{'textsegments'} = [];
+ foreach my $start ( @divs ) {
+ my $seg = { 'start' => $start };
+ $seg->{'end'} = $start + 550 > $length ? $length : $start + 550;
+ push( @{$c->stash->{'textsegments'}}, $seg );
+ }
+ }
+ $c->stash->{'textid'} = $textid;
+ $c->stash->{'tradition'} = $tradition;
sub main :Chained('text') :PathPart('') :Args(0) {
my( $self, $c ) = @_;
+ my $startseg = $c->req->param('start');
my $tradition = delete $c->stash->{'tradition'};
my $collation = $tradition->collation;
- my $svg_str = $collation->as_svg;
+ my $svgopts;
+ if( $startseg ) {
+ # Only render the subgraph from startseg to +500 or end,
+ # whichever is less.
+ $svgopts = { 'from' => $startseg };
+ $svgopts->{'to'} = $startseg + 550
+ if $startseg + 550 < $collation->end->rank;
+ } elsif( exists $c->stash->{'textsegments'} ) {
+ # This is the unqualified load of a long tradition. We implicitly start
+ # at zero, but go only as far as 550.
+ $svgopts = { 'to' => 550 };
+ }
+ my $svg_str = $collation->as_svg( $svgopts );
$svg_str =~ s/\n//gs;
$c->stash->{'svg_string'} = $svg_str;
$c->stash->{'text_title'} = $tradition->name;
$c->stash->{'template'} = '';
=head2 relationships
- GET $textid/relationships
+ GET relation/$textid/relationships
Returns the list of relationships defined for this text.
- POST $textid/relationships { request }
+ POST relation/$textid/relationships { request }
Attempts to define the requested relationship within the text. Returns 200 on
success or 403 on error.
- DELETE $textid/relationships { request }
+ DELETE relation/$textid/relationships { request }
function getTextPath() {
var currpath = window.location.pathname
+ // Get rid of trailing slash
if( currpath.lastIndexOf('/') == currpath.length - 1 ) {
currpath = currpath.slice( 0, currpath.length - 1)
+ // Get rid of query parameters
+ if( currpath.lastIndexOf('?') != -1 ) {
+ currpath = currpath.slice( 0, currpath.lastIndexOf('?') );
+ };
var path_elements = currpath.split('/');
var textid = path_elements.pop();
var basepath = path_elements.join( '/' );
var transform = 'rotate(0) scale(' + scale + ') translate(4 ' + translate + ')';
svg_g.setAttribute('transform', transform);
//used to calculate min and max zoom level:
- start_element_height = $("#svgenlargement .node title:contains('#START#')").siblings('ellipse')[0].getBBox().height;
+ start_element_height = $("#svgenlargement .node title:contains('START#')").siblings('ellipse')[0].getBBox().height;
add_relations( function() { $('#loading_overlay').hide(); });
function(data) {
$.each(data, function( index, rel_info ) {
var type_index = $.inArray(rel_info.type, rel_types);
- if( type_index != -1 ) {
+ var source_found = get_ellipse( rel_info.source );
+ var target_found = get_ellipse( );
+ if( type_index != -1 && source_found.size() && target_found.size() ) {
var relation = relation_manager.create( rel_info.source,, type_index ); 'type', rel_info.type ); 'scope', rel_info.scope );