- PERL_MB_OPT => "--install_base ${path}",
- PERL_MM_OPT => "INSTALL_BASE=${path}",
+ PERL_MB_OPT => "--install_base " . _mb_escape_path($path),
+ PERL_MM_OPT => "INSTALL_BASE=" . _mm_escape_path($path),
{ interpolate => $interpolate, exists => 0, empty => '' },
+sub _mm_escape_path {
+ my $path = shift;
+ $path =~ s/\\/\\\\\\\\/g;
+ if ($path =~ s/ /\\ /g) {
+ $path = qq{"\\"$path\\""};
+ }
+ return $path;
+sub _mb_escape_path {
+ my $path = shift;
+ $path =~ s/\\/\\\\/g;
+ return qq{"$path"};
sub active_paths {
my ($class) = @_;
# correspond with the new top of stack.
if ($active_lls[-1] eq $path) {
my $new_top = $active_lls[-2];
- $env{PERL_MB_OPT} = defined($new_top) ? "--install_base ${new_top}" : undef;
- $env{PERL_MM_OPT} = defined($new_top) ? "INSTALL_BASE=${new_top}" : undef;
+ $env{PERL_MB_OPT} = defined($new_top) ? "--install_base "._mb_escape_path($new_top) : undef;
+ $env{PERL_MM_OPT} = defined($new_top) ? "INSTALL_BASE="._mm_escape_path($new_top) : undef;
return %env;
use Test::More;
BEGIN { plan skip_all => "Install Capture::Tiny to test installation"
unless eval { require Capture::Tiny; 1 } }
-use Capture::Tiny qw(capture);
+use Capture::Tiny qw(capture_merged);
use File::Spec;
+use File::Path qw(mkpath);
use Cwd;
use Config;
use lib 't/lib'; use TempDir;
-plan tests => 2;
+use local::lib ();
-my $dir = mk_temp_dir('test_local_lib-XXXXX');
+my @dirs = (
+ 'plain',
+ 'with space',
+ 'with\backslash',
+ 'with space\and-bs',
-use local::lib ();
+my %dist_types = (
+ EUMM => sub {
+ system($^X, 'Makefile.PL') && die "Makefile.PL failed";
+ system($Config{make}, 'install') && die "$Config{make} install failed";
+ },
+ MB => sub {
+ system($^X, 'Build.PL') && die "Build.PL failed";
+ system($^X, 'Build', 'install') && die "Build install failed";
+ },
+plan tests => @dirs * keys(%dist_types) * 2;
my $orig_dir = cwd;
-SKIP: for my $dist_type (qw(MB EUMM)) {
- chdir File::Spec->catdir($orig_dir, qw(t dist), $dist_type);
- if ($dist_type eq 'EUMM') {
- my ($stdout, $stderr) = capture { eval {
- system($^X, 'Makefile.PL') && die "Makefile.PL failed";
- system($Config{make}, 'install') && die "$Config{make} install failed";
- } };
- diag $stdout, $stderr if $@;
- } else {
- my ($stdout, $stderr) = capture { eval {
- system($^X, 'Build.PL') && die "Build.PL failed";
- system($^X, 'Build', 'install') && die "Build install failed";
+for my $dir_base (@dirs) {
+ for my $dist_type (sort keys %dist_types) {
+ chdir $orig_dir;
+ my $temp = mk_temp_dir('test_local_lib-XXXXX');
+ my $ll_dir = "$dist_type-$dir_base";
+ mkpath(my $ll = "$temp/$ll_dir");
+ local::lib->import($ll);
+ chdir File::Spec->catdir($orig_dir, qw(t dist), $dist_type);
+ my $output = capture_merged { eval {
+ $dist_types{$dist_type}->();
} };
- diag $stdout, $stderr if $@;
+ is $@, '', "installed $dist_type into '$ll_dir'"
+ or diag $output;
+ my $dest_dir = local::lib->install_base_perl_path($ll);
+ my $file = File::Spec->catfile($dest_dir, "$dist_type.pm");
+ (my $short_file = $file) =~ s/^\Q$ll/$ll_dir/;
+ ok(
+ -e $file,
+ "$dist_type - $dir_base - $dist_type.pm installed as '$short_file'",
+ ) or diag 'Files in ' . $dest_dir . ":\n", join("\n", do {
+ my $dh;
+ (opendir $dh, $dest_dir) ? readdir $dh : "doesn't exist";
+ });
- my $file = File::Spec->catfile($dir, qw(lib perl5), "$dist_type.pm");
- ok(
- -e $file,
- "$dist_type - $dist_type.pm installed as $file",
- )
- or do {
- my $dest_dir = File::Spec->catdir($dir, qw(lib perl5));
- diag 'Files in ' . $dest_dir . ":\n", join("\n", glob(File::Spec->catfile($dest_dir, '*')));
- };