my $trigger = $attribute->trigger;
my $type = $attribute->type_constraint;
my $constraint = $attribute->find_type_constraint;
+ my $builder = $attribute->builder;
my $accessor = 'sub {
my $self = shift;';
if ($attribute->is_lazy) {
$accessor .= '$self->{$key} = ';
- $accessor .= ref($default) eq 'CODE'
- ? '$default->($self)'
- : '$default';
+ $accessor .= $attribute->has_builder
+ ? '$self->$builder'
+ : ref($default) eq 'CODE'
+ ? '$default->($self)'
+ : '$default';
$accessor .= ' if !exists($self->{$key});';
my ($self, $class, $name, %args) = @_;
confess "You must specify a default for lazy attribute '$name'"
- if $args{lazy} && !exists($args{default});
+ if $args{lazy} && !exists($args{default}) && !exists($args{builder});
confess "Trigger is not allowed on read-only attribute '$name'"
if $args{trigger} && $args{is} ne 'rw';
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
-use Test::More tests => 6;
+use Test::More tests => 20;
my $builder_called = 0;
+my $lazy_builder_called = 0;
do {
package Class;
builder => '_build_name',
- sub default_name { "Frank" }
sub _build_name {
my $self = shift;
- return uc $self->default_name;
+ return "FRANK";
+ has age => (
+ is => 'ro',
+ isa => 'Int',
+ builder => '_build_age',
+ lazy => 1,
+ clearer => 'clear_age',
+ );
+ sub default_age { 20 }
+ sub _build_age {
+ my $self = shift;
+ ++$lazy_builder_called;
+ return $self->default_age;
+ };
+# eager builder
my $object = Class->new(name => "Bob");
is($builder_called, 0, "builder not called in the constructor when we pass a value");
is($object->name, "Bob", "builder doesn't matter when we just set the value in constructor");
is($object2->name, "FRANK", "builder called to provide the default value");
is($builder_called, 1, "builder called ONCE to provide the default value");
-# XXX: test clearer, lazy
+# lazy builder
+my $object3 = Class->new;
+is($lazy_builder_called, 0, "lazy builder not called yet");
+is($object3->age, 20, "lazy builder value");
+is($lazy_builder_called, 1, "lazy builder called on get");
+is($object3->age, 20, "lazy builder value");
+is($lazy_builder_called, 1, "lazy builder not called on subsequent gets");
+is($lazy_builder_called, 1, "lazy builder not called on clear");
+is($object3->age, 20, "lazy builder value");
+is($lazy_builder_called, 2, "lazy builder called on get after clear");
+$lazy_builder_called = 0 ;
+my $object4 = Class->new(age => 50);
+is($lazy_builder_called, 0, "lazy builder not called yet");
+is($object4->age, 50, "value from constructor");
+is($lazy_builder_called, 0, "lazy builder not called if value is from constructor");
+is($lazy_builder_called, 0, "lazy builder not called on clear");
+is($object4->age, 20, "lazy builder value");
+is($lazy_builder_called, 1, "lazy builder called on get after clear");