die $@ if $@;
if (my $preprocess = $producer_class->can('preprocess_schema')) {
- $producer_class->$preprocess($source_schema);
- $producer_class->$preprocess($target_schema);
+ $preprocess->($source_schema);
+ $preprocess->($target_schema);
my %src_tables_checked = ();
=item * C<batch_alter_table($table, $hash)> (optional)
If the producer supports C<batch_alter_table>, it will be called with the
table to alter and a hash, the keys of which will be the method names listed
above; values will be arrays of fields or constraints to operate on. In the
alter_field => [ [$old_field, $new_field] ]
+=item * C<preprocess_schema($class, $schema)> (optional)
+C<preprocess_schema> is called by the Diff code to allow the producer to
+normalize any data it needs to first. For example, the MySQL producer uses
+this method to ensure that FK contraint names are unique.
+Basicaly any changes that need to be made to produce the SQL file for the
+schema should be done here, so that a diff between a parsed SQL file and (say)
+a parsed DBIx::Class::Schema object will be sane.
+(As an aside, DBIx::Class, for instance, uses the presence of a
+C<preprocess_schema> function on the producer to know that it can diff between
+the previous SQL file and its own internal representation. Without this method
+on th producer it will diff the two SQL files which is slower, but known to
+work better on old-style producers.)
=head1 AUTHOR
Original Author(s) unknown.
-Refactor and more comprehensive tests by Ash Berlin C<< ash@cpan.org >>.
+Refactor/re-write and more comprehensive tests by Ash Berlin C<< ash@cpan.org >>.
Redevelopment sponsored by Takkle Inc.
sub preprocess_schema {
- my ($class, $schema) = @_;
+ my ($schema) = @_;
# extra->{mysql_table_type} used to be the type. It belongs in options, so
# move it if we find it. Return Engine type if found in extra or options
# \todo Don't set if MySQL 3.x is set on command line
$create .= "SET foreign_key_checks=0;\n\n";
- __PACKAGE__->preprocess_schema($schema);
+ preprocess_schema($schema);
# Generate sql