--- /dev/null
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More tests => 65;
+ {
+ package RootA;
+ use Moose::Role;
+ sub foo {
+ "foo rv";
+ }
+ package SubAA;
+ use Moose::Role;
+ with "RootA";
+ sub bar {
+ "bar rv";
+ }
+ package SubAB;
+ use Moose;
+ eval { with "SubAA" };
+ }
+ ok( SubAB->does("SubAA"), "does SubAA");
+ ok( SubAB->does("RootA"), "does RootA");
+ isa_ok( my $i = SubAB->new, "SubAB" );
+ can_ok( $i, "bar" );
+ is( $i->bar, "bar rv", "bar rv" );
+ can_ok( $i, "foo" );
+ is( eval { $i->foo }, "foo rv", "foo rv" );
+ {
+ package RootB;
+ use Moose::Role;
+ sub foo {
+ "foo rv";
+ }
+ package SubBA;
+ use Moose::Role;
+ with "RootB";
+ has counter => (
+ isa => "Num",
+ is => "rw",
+ default => 0,
+ );
+ after foo => sub {
+ $_[0]->counter( $_[0]->counter + 1 );
+ };
+ package SubBB;
+ use Moose;
+ eval { with "SubBA" };
+ }
+ ok( SubBB->does("SubBA"), "BB does SubBA" );
+ ok( SubBB->does("RootB"), "BB does RootB" );
+ isa_ok( my $i = SubBB->new, "SubBB" );
+ can_ok( $i, "foo" );
+ is( eval { $i->foo }, "foo rv", "foo rv" );
+ is( $i->counter, 1, "after hook called" );
+ {
+ package RootC;
+ use Moose::Role;
+ sub foo {
+ "foo rv";
+ }
+ package SubCA;
+ use Moose::Role;
+ with "RootC";
+ override foo => sub {
+ "overridden";
+ };
+ package SubCB;
+ use Moose;
+ eval { with "SubCA" };
+ package SubCC;
+ use Moose;
+ undef $@;
+ eval {
+ with qw/
+ SubCA
+ RootC
+ /;
+ };
+ ::ok( $@, "can't compose role with conflict and diamond hierarchy" );
+ package SubCD;
+ use Moose::Role;
+ with "RootC";
+ package SubCE;
+ use Moose;
+ undef $@;
+ eval { with qw/SubCD RootC/ };
+ ::ok( !$@, "can compose if appearantly conflicting method is actually the same one" );
+ }
+ ok( SubCB->does("SubCA"), "CB does SubCA" );
+ ok( SubCB->does("RootC"), "CB does RootC" );
+ isa_ok( my $i = SubCB->new, "SubCB" );
+ can_ok( $i, "foo" );
+ is( eval { $i->foo }, "overridden", "overridden foo from SubCA, not RootC" );
+ ok( SubCE->does("RootC"), "CE does RootC" );
+ ok( SubCE->does("SubCD"), "CE does SubCD" );
+ use List::Util qw/shuffle/;
+ {
+ package Abstract;
+ use Moose::Role;
+ requires "method";
+ requires "other";
+ sub another { "abstract" }
+ package ConcreteA;
+ use Moose::Role;
+ with "Abstract";
+ sub other {
+ "concrete a";
+ };
+ package ConcreteB;
+ use Moose::Role;
+ with "Abstract";
+ sub method {
+ "concrete b";
+ }
+ package ConcreteC;
+ use Moose::Role;
+ with "ConcreteA";
+ override other => sub {
+ return ( super() . " + c" );
+ };
+ package SimpleClassWithSome;
+ use Moose;
+ eval { with ::shuffle qw/ConcreteA ConcreteB/ };
+ ::ok( !$@, "simple composition without abstract" ) || ::diag $@;
+ package SimpleClassWithAll;
+ use Moose;
+ eval { with ::shuffle qw/ConcreteA ConcreteB Abstract/ };
+ ::ok( !$@, "simple composition with abstract" ) || ::diag $@;
+ }
+ foreach my $class (qw/SimpleClassWithSome SimpleClassWithAll/) {
+ foreach my $role (qw/Abstract ConcreteA ConcreteB/) {
+ ok( $class->does($role), "$class does $role");
+ }
+ foreach my $method (qw/method other another/) {
+ can_ok( $class, $method );
+ }
+ is( eval { $class->another }, "abstract", "provided by abstract" );
+ is( eval { $class->other }, "concrete a", "provided by concrete a" );
+ is( eval { $class->method }, "concrete b", "provided by concrete b" );
+ }
+ {
+ package ClassWithSome;
+ use Moose;
+ eval { with ::shuffle qw/ConcreteC ConcreteB/ };
+ ::ok( !$@, "composition without abstract" ) || ::diag $@;
+ package ClassWithAll;
+ use Moose;
+ eval { with ::shuffle qw/ConcreteC Abstract ConcreteB/ };
+ ::ok( !$@, "composition with abstract" ) || ::diag $@;
+ package ClassBad;
+ use Moose;
+ eval { with ::shuffle qw/ConcreteC Abstract ConcreteA ConcreteB/ }; # this should clash
+ ::ok( $@, "can't compose ConcreteA and ConcreteC together" );
+ }
+ foreach my $class (qw/ClassWithSome ClassWithAll/) {
+ foreach my $role (qw/Abstract ConcreteA ConcreteB ConcreteC/) {
+ ok( $class->does($role), "$class does $role");
+ }
+ foreach my $method (qw/method other another/) {
+ can_ok( $class, $method );
+ }
+ is( eval { $class->another }, "abstract", "provided by abstract" );
+ is( eval { $class->other }, "concrete a + c", "provided by concrete c + a" );
+ is( eval { $class->method }, "concrete b", "provided by concrete b" );
+ }